
主题:History of the Crisis, HBO -- parishg

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家园 History of the Crisis, HBO


the version that Big Money wants you to believe about the history of the crisis.

Actor of Tim: used to play the role of the British MI5 head, former Cambridge 5 member

Actor of Hank: used to play the role of CIA founder, Dulles.

Actor of Ben: a big joke.

The choices of the first two are very very interesting...

This time, the only bright spot was the former actress for Miranda, lawyer in Sex and the City, who played the role of Michelle, former Goldman wizard and special assistant to Hank Paulson.

Oh, I also saw Charlotte's husband, the jewish doctor...hehe. But this time as the omnipotent Goldman Saches' CEO, Lloyd.

Funny documentary, just for fooling the American general public. Not one word on the true problem in crisis: shadow banking system.

家园 按照维基的说法


家园 buddy, you need to read more

technical documents on this topic.

The shadow banking system is NOT an intentional creation by Wall Street bankers OUT OF CONSPIRACY. It is a unique product in most Anglo-Saxon nations due to the booming of middle class savings out of the traditional banking system.

There is a Federal Reserve paper on this paper, and you can just google it. You got finance degree from Concordia and you should be able to read that technical paper.

家园 多谢


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