
主题:花老乔住酒店?D?D和阿磕TA的故事 -- 神游

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家园 花老乔住酒店?D?D和阿磕TA的故事



老乔进了酒店房间一看,心想这五星级酒店也不过如此嘛,和俺村的那个差不多。看看,床上这单子就没铺平整。老乔头脑聪明,出国前又在新东方补过仨礼拜英语,此次将用英语宣读论文,所以对自己的英语充满自信,拿起电话就叫了前台:“I wanna shit (sheet).”

前台人好像有点儿火气:“Go to the bathroom!”

老乔觉得这人咋这态度呢:“I wanna shit on my bed!”

“You son of a bitch!”咣当,挂了!


来到餐厅,大模大样地坐了5分钟愣是没人理。老乔急了,一招手叫来了那个金发mm:“I wanna piss (piece)!”

那mm微笑:“Go to the bathroom!”

老乔心想这帮人什么毛病啊:“I wanna piss on this plate!”

那mm勃然变色:“You son of a bitch!”扭头走了。


又等了半天,还是没人理,老乔招手那mm装没看见。老乔一看自己桌上连个叉子都没有,更来气了,冲到一个侍立的gg面前大叫:“I wanna fxxk (fork)! I wanna fxxk on the table!”

那哥哥一边说:“You son of a bitch!”一边拎小鸡似地把老乔拎到了酒店经理那儿。


老乔想这还象句话,算了,俺大人不记小人过,先回去准备准备明天的发言。起身出门,见那经理点头哈腰地送,心想咱也得有点儿风度,微微一笑:“You son of a bitch!” 。。。。。

家园 死定了


家园 为啥为啥?俺跟花老关系很铁啊~~~
家园 【注意】Is 花老乔 an Italian?

You must read it with an italian accent, preferably out loud :

"One day i go to New York to a bigga hotel. I go down to eat soma breakfast. I tella da waitress i wanna 2 piss toast. She bringa me only 1 piss. I tell her i wanna 2 piss. She say go to da toilet. I say she no understand. I wanna two piss on my plate. She sat u better no piss on the plate son of a bitch. I dont know the lady and she call me a son of a bitch.

Later i go to have soma lunch at Drake restuarant, the waitress bring me a spoon, a knife but no fock. I tella her i wanna fock. She tells me everybody wanna fock. I tella her she no understand, I wanna fock on the table. She say u better no fock on the table u son of a bitch. I dont even know her and she call me a son of a bitch.

So i go back to my room inna hotel , and there's no sheet on my bed. I calla da manager and tella him i wanna sheet. He tella me go to da toilet. So i say u no understand, i wanna sheet on da bed. He say u better not shit on the bed u son of a bitch. I dont even know da man and he call me a son of a bitch.

I go to checkout and the man at the counter say peace on u. I say piss on u too u son of a bitch.

I go back to italy!!!"

家园 jj这个肯定是原稿


家园 很好,这个东西,我看到过


家园 主席记大事


家园 那当然好,但是哟一个问题


家园 花老是关系不铁不下手的!小心了你。
家园 您可以当灌花党新党魁的男秘书嘛,这是符合组织规定的!
家园 磕副官,你这是犯上
家园 【批示】此建议甚好,交各委员议一议
家园 俺碰到过英语最怪的是日本人


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