
主题:工作中的小政治 -- 多数

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家园 工作中的小政治


是个化学计算软件, 运行时出现了这个:

gromacs-4.5.3-gcc346/bin/pdb2gmx_d --help

:-) G R O M A C S (-:

Go Rough, Oppose Many Angry Chinese Serial killers

:-) VERSION 4.5.3 (-:

Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Copyright (c) 2001-2010, The GROMACS development team at

Uppsala University & The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

我当即草拟了一份信, 给作者的大学和机构。 思考后, 我又修改了信件, 改成给原作者, 表达了我的抗议:

I am shocked to see GROMACS is interpreted in this sentence " Go Rough, Oppose Many Angry Chinese Serial killers".

I don't know the author(s) of of this software original intention to put up such race words. As a Chinese, I feel offended by such words. This improper image spreads over the academic and research community worldwide. I hope this message could bring up your attention to correct this mistake and certain remedy could be done at this software community (mailing list) as soon as possible to minimize the damage.

Thanks for your attention,

作者很快就回了信, 解释了这个是从数据库里随机选出的500条之一, 没有其他含义:

First, Chinese is a nationality and not a race, just like Swedish. This is one of hundreds of random sentences beginning with the letters G-R-O-M-A-C-S. Nothing against China; it's a beautiful country that I enjoy visiting, although just as there are Swedish serial killers I guess there could be a Chinese one too... There are probably at least five more or less stupid things I've said in the last 10 years there too (with my name clearly listed), but I would never dream of dream of having those either removed...

Second, if you still feel deeply offended by a random sentence that might show up in 1 of 500 cases, simply set the GMX_NO_QUOTES environment variable to anything, and you'll never see it!


解释是真诚的, 但我觉得这没有解决问题:

I appreciate your prompt response and nice tip to turn the quotes off.

After I retype the command, the quote is changed. So the quote is random selected. This convinces me the software doesn't inventively to bring other factors other than research/academic purpose.

Each country/nation has all positive/negative. No matter which country, showing up in the academic environment may be interpreted out of its original intention. It is very misleading if I only use this software once and happening to see the sentence. If it showing up as other countries, I still will think why the develop team has problem with this country and want to express it in the software.

Hope you would reconsider to remove this quote from your software release.

best regards,

现在在等待他的回复。 这不是个恶意的句子, 但在研究学术环境里很明显不合适, 特别是在公开的软件中。


望得到各位指点, 如何有理有节去处理这件事?


家园 关于race的问题,这个作者的回复犯了一个认识上的错误,

可能你也没有意识到,race的概念其实上是随着时间有所变化的,就算Chinese指的是Chinese nationality一样可以是中华民族,而中华民族在官方意识形态里是被视为一个族群的,而且是有文化、血缘认同的族群即ethnic group。在多数情况下,特别是西方语境下,Chinese会被直接认为是Han Chinese,这样,就是直接对一个族群的特指。这样Chinese事实上是对于ethnicity/nationality都是一样的。

反过来说,对于racism来说对race, ethnicity, nationality三者任一均可,这个问题可以引用一些法律文件来说明。



家园 uppsala 大學在冰島?

動力模型軟件啊 ... ... 呃複雜程度看,或者可以繞著走參考換一個牌子的?沒太陽小島某村在使喚 Spartan (彷彿遠古雅典算起來很慢就是了 (SVT有個Kinas mat節目看著也很沒脾氣

" 當格尔噠暖了一阵、吃了和喝了一些东西以后,拉普兰人就在一隻鳕鱼上写下几個字,并且告诉格尔噠好好拿着它,然后系在驯鹿的背上,這鹿立刻就跳走了 ... ... "


家园 白雪皇后?不明白,不是学化学的。行内笑话之类的不懂。
家园 與霍金一起了解宇宙

講到悖論的時候忽然一個亞裔面孔 - 也抗議吧 為啥悖論就讓亞裔人演咧

家园 多谢宽解

我也没啥委屈难过的。 作者是无意, 口无遮拦。科研里有这种幽默感的人也不多见。

但这种词语出现在公开软件里, 很容易引起误解。我后来还发现了一些其他的引语, 有些有点意思。也有些是扯到别的国家的。

我发这份信的意思, 主要是提醒作者这种行为不恰当。 这份信也抄录到我们系统, 指出我们要去除这些引语, 不然会被我们的用户抱怨, 是我们自己的失职。 这个是个职业操守的问题, 不是个政治上纲上线的问题。

在这里也就是和大家交流一下, 如何处理工作中类似的案例。


家园 试了几次, 又发现一个俄罗斯的

那份信也是随手发的, 过后看看几个词敲错了, 有点词不达意。

总不能看到和没看见似的, 这样最起码给周围的人觉得太面了。

家园 支持你!





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