
主题:一幅油画一首歌 -- 老平

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家园 一幅油画一首歌



1888年2月,荷兰画家文森特·梵高(Vincent van Gogh)来到法国南部小城阿尔勒,过了不久,他的朋友法国画家保罗·高更来访,两人一齐切磋画艺。但到了年底,两人发生了争执,最后高更愤然离去,梵高则冲动地割下了自己的左耳。

失掉一只耳朵的梵高整日以布裹头,但小城的居民已经讨厌这位精神失常的画家。梵高只好来到距离阿尔勒25公里的圣雷米小镇,在镇上的圣保罗精神病院接受治疗。在治疗期间,梵高创作了一百多幅画作,其中一幅油画叫《星夜》(Starry Night),它画于1889年6月。





过了八十年后,美国的民谣歌手唐·麦克林(Don McLean)看了油画《星夜》之后心有所感,于是作了一首歌曲,歌名就叫《星夜》(Starry Starry Night),又叫《文森特》(Vincent),即梵高的名字。唐·麦克林在歌中唱到:“你为自己的清醒承受了多少痛苦?你为他们的解脱作出了多少努力?但是他们充耳不闻,他们现在依然没有倾听,或许他们永远也不会倾听。 ”看来歌手比评论家更接近梵高的心灵。

现在,油画《星夜》被纽约现代艺术馆所收藏,据说艺术馆每天都会播放唐·麦克林演唱的歌曲《星夜》。(老平 2010-12-13)


Vincent /Starry Starry Nigh

Starry starry night

Paint your palette blue and grey

Look out on a summer's day

With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

Shadows on the hills

sketch the trees and the daffodils

Catch the breeze and the winter chills  

In colors on the snowy linen land

Now I understand what you try to say to me

And how you suffered for your sanity

And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen,

they did not know how

Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry starry night

Flaming flowers that brightly blaze  

Swirling clouds in violet haze

Reflect in Vincent’s eyes of china blue

Colors changing hue,morning fields of amber grain

Weathered faces lined in pain

Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand

Now I understand what you try to say to me

And how you suffered for your sanity

And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen

They did not know how

Perhaps they'll listen you now

For they could not love you

But still your love was true

And when no hope was left inside

On that starry starry night

You took your life as lovers often do

But I could have told you, Vincent

This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you

Starry starry night

Portraits hung in empty halls  

Frameless heads on nameless walls

With eyes that watch the world and can 't forget

Like the strangers that you've met

The ragged man in ragged clothes

The silver thorn of bloody rose

Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me

And how you suffered for your sanity

And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen

They're not listening still

Perhaps they never will

关键词(Tags): #梵高#星夜通宝推:山有木兮,
家园 Very nice

Thank you.

家园 平老师介绍的DonMclean的确是牛人,不但自己牛,

平老师介绍的DonMclean的确是牛人,除了Vincent,还有American Pie也是经典名曲。另外,Don Mclean不但自己牛,他的音乐还能够引起听者的共鸣,激发别人的才华。

有一个名叫Lori Liberman的女歌手,在洛杉矶的Troubadour酒吧听过Don Mclean的演唱后,当时就有一种天雷勾地火的感觉,激动得当时就在酒吧的餐巾是上写了一首诗,把她遇见DonMclean时的感触描写记录下来,然后Lori的制作人把这首诗改编谱曲,成就出一首脍炙人口的佳作《Killing Me Softly》。


后来,黑人歌手Roberta Flack的演唱,更使得这首《Killing Me Softly》家喻户晓了。


Strumming my pain with his fingers, 他用手指轻抚我的伤痛

Singing my life with his words, 歌词唱出了我的人生

Killing me softly with his song, 他的歌温柔得迷死人

killing me softly with his song, 他的歌温柔得迷死人

Telling my whole life with his words, 歌词道尽了我的一生

Killing me softly with his song. 他的歌温柔得迷死人

I heard he sang a good song, 我听说他歌唱得很好

I heard he had a style, 极具个人风格

And so I came to see him and listen for a while. 於是我特地前来 欣赏他的演唱

And there he was this young boy, 他出现了,这位年轻男孩

a stranger to my eyes, 我眼中的陌生人

Strumming my pain with his fingers, 他用手指轻抚我的伤痛

Singing my life with his words, 歌词唱出了我的人生

Killing me softly with his song, 他的歌温柔得迷死人

killing me softly with his song, 他的歌温柔得迷死人

Telling my whole life with his words, 歌词道尽了我的一生

Killing me softly with his song. 他的歌温柔得迷死人


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