
主题:【求助】【商榷】转基因技术看过来 -- lpf

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家园 【求助】【商榷】转基因技术看过来


真正搞生物工程技术人士眼中的转基因 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=892695555




2002 年英国进行了转基因食品 DNA 的人体残留试验。有 7 名做过切除大肠组织手术的志愿者,吃了用转基因大豆做的汉堡包之后,在他们的小肠肠道细菌里面检测到了转入的基因 DNA 残留。由于在转基因的时候,是用抗生素做标记的。所以认为如果吃了含有这种标记基因的食物,可能使肠道细菌或者是口腔细菌产生对抗生素的一种抗性。对此也提出疑问。这个实验也遭到了诟病,反对者认为切除大肠组织的人毕竟是少数,无关痛痒。呵呵,切除组织的人是少数,但是肠胃消化功能不良的人却并不少见,谁知道肠胃功能不良碰上转基因会有什么后果呢?






事实上,微生物及植物的基因重组,转移我们并没有完全搞清楚,甚至可以说还是一头雾水 。因此转基因从开始时,就提出了一个问题即:

基因漂移(或基因流gene flow)是指基因通过一定的媒介在同一物种的群体之间,甚至是不同物种之间进行移动的现象。基因漂移有两种方式,即基因的垂直漂移(vertical gene flow)和水平转移(horizontal gene transfer)




美国的星联玉米, Star link 玉米事件。这种玉米是 1998 年美国环保局批准商业化生产,当时批准是用作动物性饲料,不是用于人食用,因为它对人体有过敏,可能产生皮疹、腹泻。但是在 2000 年,在市场上 30 多种玉米食品当中发现了这种玉米的成分,所以美国政府下令把所有的这种转基因玉米收回。另外,还有一个是美国的药用转基因玉米污染大豆的事件。一家公司它开发了一种给病人吃的药物玉米,而不是给普通的消费者吃的,是治病用的,也许对某种病,艾滋病或者什么病把这种转基因玉米当做一种药吃的。结果在上一年种了这种药物玉米的土地上没有根除。第二年接着种了大豆,在收获大豆的时候,把转基因的药物玉米也收在了一起,整个大豆就都被污染了。于是美国政府下令把仓库里面混装有药用玉米的所有的大豆都销毁,总计有约 100 万蒲式耳。这个事件说明污染是很容易产生,尽管某些转基因的生物说的很明确,不是用于人的,或者说是用于动物的,用于药用的。但是它很容易污染,很容易造成食品的不安全,存在隐患。










关键词(Tags): #转基因通宝推:类反词典,
家园 基因不是转了才有,任何生物体内都有大量的基因。


家园 我来证明



家园 说这么多,其实还是心里没底。



家园 这个是新闻吗,随便找几篇文章







Expression of Norwalk virus capsid protein in transgenic tobacco and potato and its oral immunogenicity in mice

1. H S Mason,

2. J M Ball,

3. J J Shi,

4. X Jiang,

5. M K Estes, and

6. C J Arntzen

+ Author Affiliations


Plant Biotechnology Program, Albert Alkek Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Texas A & M University, Houston, 77030-3303, USA.


Alternatives to cell culture systems for production of recombinant proteins could make very safe vaccines at a lower cost. We have used genetically engineered plants for expression of candidate vaccine antigens with the goal of using the edible plant organs for economical delivery of oral vaccines. Transgenic tobacco and potato plants were created that express the capsid protein of Norwalk virus, a calicivirus that causes epidemic acute gastroenteritis in humans. The capsid protein could be extracted from tobacco leaves in the form of 38-nm Norwalk virus-like particles. Recombinant Norwalk virus-like particle (rNV) was previously recovered when the same gene was expressed in recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells. The capsid protein expressed in tobacco leaves and potato tubers cosedimented in sucrose gradients with insect cell-derived rNV and appeared identical to insect cell-derived rNV on immunoblots of SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The plant-expressed rNV was orally immunogenic in mice. Extracts of tobacco leaf expressing rNV were given to CD1 mice by gavage, and the treated mice developed both serum IgG and secretory IgA specific for rNV. Furthermore, when potato tubers expressing rNV were fed directly to mice, they developed serum IgG specific for rNV. These results indicate the potential usefulness of plants for production and delivery of edible vaccines. This is an appropriate technology for developing countries where vaccines are urgently needed.


凝集素 在豆类及一些豆状种籽(如蓖麻)中含有一种能使红血球细胞凝集的蛋白质,称为植物红血球凝集素,简称凝集素。已知凝集素有很多种类,其中大部分是糖蛋白,含糖量约4%~10%,其分子多由2或4个亚基组成,并含有二价金属离子。含凝集素的食物生食或烹调不足时会引起食者恶心、呕吐等症状,严重者甚至死亡。所有凝集素在湿热处理时均被破坏,在干热处理时则不被破坏。可采取加热处理、热水抽提等措施去毒。

(1)大豆凝集素 大豆凝集素是一种糖蛋白,相对分子质量为110 000,糖类占5%,主要成分是甘露糖和N-乙酰葡萄糖胺。实验证明,吃生大豆的动物比吃熟大豆的动物需要更多的维生素、矿物质以及其他营养素,其原因还不清楚,但已发现它与肠道吸收的能力有关。大豆凝集素在常压下蒸汽处理1 h,或高压蒸汽处理15 min,可以使其失活。

(2)菜豆属豆类凝集素 菜豆属中已发现有凝集素的有菜豆、绿豆、芸豆等。有不少因生吃此类食物或烹调不充分而中毒的报道。用高压蒸汽处理15 min,可以使菜豆凝集素完全失活。


(3)蓖麻毒蛋白 蓖麻子不是食用种籽,但人、畜有生食蓖麻籽或油的,轻者中毒呕吐、腹泻,重则死亡。蓖麻中的毒素成分是蓖麻毒蛋白,毒性极大。在小白鼠的毒理实验中发现毒性比豆类凝集素要大1 000倍。用蒸汽加热处理可以去毒。

2.消化酶抑制剂 消化酶抑制剂也称蛋白酶抑制剂,常存在于豆类、谷类、马铃薯等食物中,比较重要的有胰蛋白酶抑制剂和淀粉酶抑制剂两类,它们都是蛋白质类物质。

(1)胰蛋白酶抑制剂 存在于大豆等豆类及马铃薯块茎食物中,分布极广。它可以与胰蛋白酶或胰凝乳蛋白酶给合,从而抑制了酶水解蛋白质的活性,使胃肠消化蛋白质的能力下降。由于胰蛋白酶受到抑制,使胰脏大量地制造胰蛋白酶,造成胰脏肿大,严重影响健康。

(2)淀粉酶抑制剂 在小麦、菜豆、芋头、未成熟的香蕉和芒果等食品中含有这种类型的酶抑制剂。可以使淀粉酶的活性钝化,影响淀粉的消化,从而引起消化不良等症状。


3.毒肽 一些真菌中含有剧毒肽类,误食后可造成严重的后果。最典型的毒肽是存在于毒蕈中的鹅膏菌毒素和鬼笔菌毒素。鹅膏菌毒素是环辛肽,鬼笔菌毒素是环庚肽。这两种毒肽的毒性机制基本相同,都是作用于肝脏。鹅膏菌毒素的毒性大于鬼笔菌毒素。1个质量约50 g的毒蕈所含的毒素足以杀死一个成年人。误食毒蕈数小时后即可出现中毒症状,初期出现恶心,呕吐、腹泻和腹痛等胃肠炎症状,后期则是严重的肝、肾损伤。一般中毒后3~5 d死亡。


(1)山黎豆毒素 山黎豆毒素主要有两类:一类是致神经麻痹的氨基酸毒素,有a,g-二氨基丁酸、g-N-草酰基-a,g-二氨基丁酸和b-N-a,b-二氨基丙酸;另一类是致骨骼畸形的氨基酸衍生物毒素,如b-N-(g-谷氨酰)-氨基丙腈、g-甲基-L-谷氨酸,g-羟基戊氨酸及山黎豆氨酸等。


(2)b-氰基丙氨酸 存在于蚕豆中,是一种神经毒素,能引起与山黎豆中毒相同的症状。

(3)刀豆氨酸 是存在于刀豆属中的一种精氨酸同系物,在许多植物体内是抗精氨酸代谢物。焙炒或煮沸15~45 min可破坏大部分刀豆氨酸。

(4)L-3,4-二羟基苯丙氨酸(L-DOPA)。L-DOPA广泛存在于植物中,但蚕豆的豆荚中含量丰富,以游离态或b-糖苷态存在,是蚕豆病的主要病因。症状是急性溶血性贫血症,食后5~24 h发病,急性发作期可长达24~48 h,然后自愈。蚕豆病的发生多数是由于摄食过多的毒蚕豆(无论煮熟、去皮与否)所致。但L-DOPA也是一种药物,能治震颤性麻痹等症。

Hazards of Transgenic Plants Containing the Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter

Authors’ reply to critiques of "The Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter – a Recipe for Disaster?"

Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease

An electronic version of the full report can be downloaded from the ISIS online store. Download Now

Mae-Wan Ho and Angela Ryan Institute of Science in Society and Biology Department, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK

Joe Cummins Department of Plant Sciences, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada

(We are ignoring the comments of P. Christou, as they bear little relationship to the actual article that we submitted, and was published in your Journal. Our remarks are directed to the critiques from Hull, R., Covey, S.N. and Dale, P. of the John Innes Centre, and from Oliver Rautenberg of Biolinx.)

We reviewed and synthesized existing findings to predict potential hazards

As Rautenberg (1) rightly points out, our paper (2) was not drawn from research work that we have done ourselves, rather it was written to review and synthesize the scientific literature on and around the CaMV 35S promoter. This is a legitimate and important part of scientific activity, as science does not consist of isolated facts which bear no relationship to one another. It is precisely the web of mutual interrelationships of the findings that constitute science. More importantly, this maps out the universe of possibilities both for further research and for predicting potential hazards in risk assessment. Our critics disagree with the implications we draw from the scientific findings, and especially with our conclusions and recommendation.

To recapitulate, we pointed out that the CaMV 35S promoter is promiscuous in function, and works efficiently in all plants, as well as green algae, yeast and E. coli. It has a modular structure, with parts common to, and interchangeable with promoters of other plant and animal viruses. It also has a recombination hotspot, flanked by multiple motifs involved in recombination, and is similar to other recombination hotspots including the borders of the Agrobacterium T DNA vector most frequently used in making transgenic plants. The suspected mechanism of recombination – double-stranded DNA break-repair - requires little or no DNA sequence homologies. Finally, recombination between viral transgenes and infecting viruses has been demonstrated in the laboratory.

Transgenic constructs are already well-known to be unstable, and the existence of a recombination hotspot will exacerbate the problem. Consequently, transgenic constructs containing the CaMV promoter may be more prone to horizontal gene transfer and recombination than nontransgenic DNA. The

potential hazards include genome rearrangement, insertion mutagenesis, insertion carcinogenesis, the reactivation of dormant viruses and generation of new viruses (reviewed in refs. 3 and 4). These considerations are especially relevant in the light of recent findings that certain transgenic potatoes - containing the CaMV 35S promoter and transformed with Agrobacterium T-DNA - may be unsafe for young rats, and that a significant part of the effects may be due to "the construct or the genetic transformation (or both)" (5). Consequently, we called for all transgenic crops and products containing the CaMV promoter to be withdrawn and banned, which is in accordance with the precautionary principle as well as sound science.Hazards of Transgenic Plants Containing the Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter

Authors’ reply to critiques of "The Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter – a Recipe for Disaster?"

Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease

An electronic version of the full report can be downloaded from the ISIS online store. Download Now

Mae-Wan Ho and Angela Ryan Institute of Science in Society and Biology Department, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK

Joe Cummins Department of Plant Sciences, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada

(We are ignoring the comments of P. Christou, as they bear little relationship to the actual article that we submitted, and was published in your Journal. Our remarks are directed to the critiques from Hull, R., Covey, S.N. and Dale, P. of the John Innes Centre, and from Oliver Rautenberg of Biolinx.)

We reviewed and synthesized existing findings to predict potential hazards

As Rautenberg (1) rightly points out, our paper (2) was not drawn from research work that we have done ourselves, rather it was written to review and synthesize the scientific literature on and around the CaMV 35S promoter. This is a legitimate and important part of scientific activity, as science does not consist of isolated facts which bear no relationship to one another. It is precisely the web of mutual interrelationships of the findings that constitute science. More importantly, this maps out the universe of possibilities both for further research and for predicting potential hazards in risk assessment. Our critics disagree with the implications we draw from the scientific findings, and especially with our conclusions and recommendation.

To recapitulate, we pointed out that the CaMV 35S promoter is promiscuous in function, and works efficiently in all plants, as well as green algae, yeast and E. coli. It has a modular structure, with parts common to, and interchangeable with promoters of other plant and animal viruses. It also has a recombination hotspot, flanked by multiple motifs involved in recombination, and is similar to other recombination hotspots including the borders of the Agrobacterium T DNA vector most frequently used in making transgenic plants. The suspected mechanism of recombination – double-stranded DNA break-repair - requires little or no DNA sequence homologies. Finally, recombination between viral transgenes and infecting viruses has been demonstrated in the laboratory.

Transgenic constructs are already well-known to be unstable, and the existence of a recombination hotspot will exacerbate the problem. Consequently, transgenic constructs containing the CaMV promoter may be more prone to horizontal gene transfer and recombination than nontransgenic DNA. The

potential hazards include genome rearrangement, insertion mutagenesis, insertion carcinogenesis, the reactivation of dormant viruses and generation of new viruses (reviewed in refs. 3 and 4). These considerations are especially relevant in the light of recent findings that certain transgenic potatoes - containing the CaMV 35S promoter and transformed with Agrobacterium T-DNA - may be unsafe for young rats, and that a significant part of the effects may be due to "the construct or the genetic transformation (or both)" (5). Consequently, we called for all transgenic crops and products containing the CaMV promoter to be withdrawn and banned, which is in accordance with the precautionary principle as well as sound science.

Hazards of Transgenic Plants Containing the Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter

Authors’ reply to critiques of "The Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter – a Recipe for Disaster?"

Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease

An electronic version of the full report can be downloaded from the ISIS online store. Download Now

Mae-Wan Ho and Angela Ryan Institute of Science in Society and Biology Department, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK

Joe Cummins Department of Plant Sciences, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada

(We are ignoring the comments of P. Christou, as they bear little relationship to the actual article that we submitted, and was published in your Journal. Our remarks are directed to the critiques from Hull, R., Covey, S.N. and Dale, P. of the John Innes Centre, and from Oliver Rautenberg of Biolinx.)

We reviewed and synthesized existing findings to predict potential hazards

As Rautenberg (1) rightly points out, our paper (2) was not drawn from research work that we have done ourselves, rather it was written to review and synthesize the scientific literature on and around the CaMV 35S promoter. This is a legitimate and important part of scientific activity, as science does not consist of isolated facts which bear no relationship to one another. It is precisely the web of mutual interrelationships of the findings that constitute science. More importantly, this maps out the universe of possibilities both for further research and for predicting potential hazards in risk assessment. Our critics disagree with the implications we draw from the scientific findings, and especially with our conclusions and recommendation.

To recapitulate, we pointed out that the CaMV 35S promoter is promiscuous in function, and works efficiently in all plants, as well as green algae, yeast and E. coli. It has a modular structure, with parts common to, and interchangeable with promoters of other plant and animal viruses. It also has a recombination hotspot, flanked by multiple motifs involved in recombination, and is similar to other recombination hotspots including the borders of the Agrobacterium T DNA vector most frequently used in making transgenic plants. The suspected mechanism of recombination – double-stranded DNA break-repair - requires little or no DNA sequence homologies. Finally, recombination between viral transgenes and infecting viruses has been demonstrated in the laboratory.

Transgenic constructs are already well-known to be unstable, and the existence of a recombination hotspot will exacerbate the problem. Consequently, transgenic constructs containing the CaMV promoter may be more prone to horizontal gene transfer and recombination than nontransgenic DNA. The

potential hazards include genome rearrangement, insertion mutagenesis, insertion carcinogenesis, the reactivation of dormant viruses and generation of new viruses (reviewed in refs. 3 and 4). These considerations are especially relevant in the light of recent findings that certain transgenic potatoes - containing the CaMV 35S promoter and transformed with Agrobacterium T-DNA - may be unsafe for young rats, and that a significant part of the effects may be due to "the construct or the genetic transformation (or both)" (5). Consequently, we called for all transgenic crops and products containing the CaMV promoter to be withdrawn and banned, which is in accordance with the precautionary principle as well as sound science.



家园 逻辑太混乱了



家园 第一个例子有问题



家园 有几处讨论一下

2002 年英国进行了转基因食品 DNA 的人体残留试验。有 7 名做过切除大肠组织手术的志愿者,吃了用转基因大豆做的汉堡包之后,在他们的小肠肠道细菌里面检测到了转入的基因 DNA 残留











家园 那就理论上有过敏的可能对不对


家园 试着理一下









家园 啊?哦。
家园 开玩笑了



家园 抗生素做标记!?


这人似乎是想说 Immunostaining 吧?



家园 他说得倒是没错,不过确切的说,应该是抗-抗生素标记

做基因工程的时候,在转入的基因上,经常加个antibiotic-resistance marker。它本身也是个基因,一般就是个酶,可以降解抗生素,比如说抗青霉素基因,抗四环素基因啊什么的。然后往被转的生物上加点抗生素,没转上的就抑制或者杀死了,带目标基因能降解抗生素,于是死不了,就被选择出来了,这是个很方便的办法。





家园 我觉得能在植物里表达的DNA多半不能在细菌或者人里表达




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