
主题:【整理】老鼠不见了 谁动了它们的基因?——山西、吉林 -- 司徒摘杏

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家园 多谢兄台。




家园 金龙鱼桶装油上有标转基因大豆,玉米有啥制成品?


家园 难怪美国那么多不孕症的,呵呵呵


家园 肘子不是说国际先驱导报一再造谣来反对国策吗?


家园 方说奇闻:国际广播电台找一帮老外混混朝我喷粪



家园 PH4CV claim




claim [kleim] vi. 提出要求

vt. 要求;声称;需要;认领

n. 要求;声称;索赔;断言;值得

网络释义21世纪大英汉词典英英释义-claim: 索赔;要求;宣称;领取索赔

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[推荐]实用资料:考研英语词汇常考词根(二) ...claim要求;论断clamor喧哗;吵闹(clam+or表名词)clamorous吵闹的 ...

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新东方酷学社区: 酷学社区 - [分享]词汇的记忆... ...disclaim 否认 claim 宣称discount 折扣 ...

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点击网赚常用英文查询 ... City 城市 claim 领取 CLICKS 点击次数,每一次当访客通过点击这个横幅广告访问一次商家网页,称点击一次。点击次数可以客观准确地反映广告效果 ...

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-PATENT CLAIM: 专利要求书;占有权;专利申请范围;专利权限专利要求书


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虽然1471年意大利设计出人类最早的专利制度,但专利保护发明创造的普遍做法却是起自1870年美国提出占有权(Patent claim)的概念,以占有权清楚界定和维护知识产权。

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翻译论坛-译网情深 - 打印文章 - ...pure claim cost 净赔款成本; 净赔款成本patent claim 专利权限; 专利申请范围patented claim 专利申请权限 ...

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翻译论坛-译网情深 - 打印文章 - ...pure claim cost 净赔款成本; 净赔款成本patent claim 专利权限; 专利申请范围patented claim 专利申请权限 ...

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-contractual claim: 根据合同的债权;按合约索偿;按合约索偿(契约的要求);根据合同地债权根据合同的债权

合同词汇大全 ...contractor 订约人,承包人contractual claim 根据合同的债权contractual damage 合同引起的损害 ...

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香港建造业常用英文词汇一 ...contractor yard 承建商工地contractual claim 按合约索偿contractual obligation 合约订明的责任 ...

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土木工程英语 ...contractor yard 承建商工地 contractual claim 按合约索偿(契约的要求) contractual obligation 合约订明的责任 ...

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外贸英语之合同 (3)(2) ... contractual practice/usage 合同惯例 contractual claim 根据合同地债权 contractual liability/obligation 合同规定地义务 ...

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-priority claim: 优先权声明;优先索偿优先权声明

英汉知识产权词汇 ...priority 优先权priority claim 优先权声明priority declaration 优先权声明 ...

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财经类翻译词汇14 ← 专业词汇 ← 中国翻译论坛 ...prioritized approach 优先处理方法priority claim 优先索偿priority debt 优先债项 ...

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-dependent claim: 从属权项;从属权利要求(指用附加技术特征,对引用的权利要求做进一步限定的权利要求);附属项;从属关系 翻译从属权项

专利词汇 ...deferred examination 延迟审查 dependent claim 从属权项 dependent patent 从属专利 ...

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有用词组 - smalljane2008@126的... ...Broad claim 广义权利要求Dependent claim 从属权利要求(指用附加技术特征,对引用的权利要求做进一步限定的权利要求)Electrical circuit 电路图 ...

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专利申请范围分为独立项(independent claim)与附属项(dependent claim),对于这两种型态的专利申请范围之间的依存关系,系统也将会自动的进行参考连结。

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从属关系 翻译

专利翻译中的常用的英语词汇(最新收集)【转】 ... deferred examination 延迟审查 dependent claim 从属关系 翻译 dependent patent 从属专利 ...

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-damage claim: 损坏索赔;残损索赔;损害赔偿请求;损害索赔损坏索赔

保险常用术语 ...damage certificate 损坏证明书damage claim 损坏索赔damage 损坏赔偿金 ...

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医学英语词汇(D) ...dam 橡皮障,空气阀,堤damage claim 残损索赔damaged cargo 残损货物 ...

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法律英语词汇必备_第7页-牛市网 - 证券投资交流... ...damage 损害;损伤damage claim 损害赔偿请求damages 损害赔偿金 ...

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财务英语英汉对照表 (D) ... daily statement日报表 damage claim损害索赔 damaged goods损坏商品 ...

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-claim report: 索赔报告索赔报告

索赔报告(Claim Report)编写要求(Preparation of Claim Report)

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-quantity claim: 数量索赔;释义:数量索赔数量索赔

主题:医学词汇(Q-R) ...quantity 数量,参量quantity claim 数量索赔quantity of electricity 电量 ...

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数量的英文医药专业词条翻译 ...annuation 释义:生物数量年变化 quantity claim 释义:数量索赔 qt. 释义:[=quantitative]定量的,数量的 ...

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-debt claim: 债的请求权;钱债索偿;钱债索偿 公安债的请求权

Useful Words and Expressions(4)-法律英语 ... 经济权利 economic right 债的请求权 debt claim 监护权 guardianship ...

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Civil Service Bureau ...debriefing room 训示室;训令室 debt claim 钱债索偿 debt collecting agency 收数公司 ...

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钱债索偿 公安

公务员事务局 ...debt certificate 债务证明书 财经 debt claim 钱债索偿 公安 debt collecting agency 收数公司 公安 ...

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-Counter claim: 反索赔;反索赔, 反诉;反诉,反索赔



虽然1471年意大利设计出人类最早的专利制度,但专利保护发明创造的普遍做法却是起自1870年美国提出占有权(Patent claim)的概念,以占有权清楚界定和维护知识产权。

家园 直言了在丢人



1. A seed of maize inbred line designated PH4CV, representative seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession No. PTA-4673.

2. A maize plant, or a part thereof, produced by growing the seed of claim 1.

3. The maize plant of claim 2, wherein said plant has been detasseled.

4. A tissue culture of regenerable cells produced from the plant of claim 2.

5. A protoplast produced from the tissue culture of claim 4.

6. The tissue culture of claim 4, wherein cells of the tissue culture are produced from a tissue selected from the group consisting of leaf, pollen, embryo, root, root tip, anther, silk, flower, kernel, ear, cob, husk and stalk.

7. A maize plant regenerated from the tissue culture of claim 4, said plant having all the morphological and physiological characteristics of inbred line PH4CV, representative seed of said inbred line having been deposited under ATCC Accession No. PTA-4673.

8. A method for producing an F1 hybrid maize seed, comprising crossing the plant of claim 2 with a different maize plant and harvesting the resultant F1 hybrid maze seed.

9. A method of producing a male sterile maize plant comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a nucleic acid molecule that confers male sterility.

10. A male sterile maize plant produced by the method of claim 9.

11. A method of producing an herbicide resistant maize plant comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene that confers herbicide resistance.

12. An herbicide resistant maize plant produced by the method of claim 11.

13. The maize plant of claim 12, wherein the transgene confers resistance to an herbicide selected from the group consisting of imidazolinone, sulfonylurea, glyphosate, glufosinate, L-phosphinothricin, triazine and benzonitrile.

14. A method of producing an insect resistant maize plant comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene that confers insect resistance.

15. An insect resistant maize plant produced by the method of claim 14.

16. The maize plant of claim 15, wherein the transgene encodes a Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxin.

17. A method of producing a disease resistant maize plant comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene that confers disease resistance.

18. A disease resistant maize plant produced by the method of claim 17.

19. A method of producing a maize plant with decreased phytate content comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene encoding phytase.

20. A maize plant with decreased phytate content produced by the method of claim 19.

21. A method of producing a maize plant with modified fatty acid metabolism or modified carbohydrate metabolism comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene encoding a protein selected from the group consisting of fructosyltransferase, levansucrase, alpha-amylase, invertase and starch branching enzyme or encoding an antisense of stearyl-ACP desaturase.

22. A maize plant, with modified fatty acid metabolism or modified carbohydrate metabolism, produced by the method of claim 21.

23. The maize plant of 22 wherein the transgene confers a trait selected from the group consisting of waxy starch and increased amylose starch.

24. A maize plant, or part thereof, having all the physiological and morphological characteristics of the inbred line PH4CV, representative seed of said inbred line having been deposited under ATCC Accession No. PTA-4673.

25. A method of introducing a desired trait into maize inbred line PH4CV comprising: (a) crossing PH4CV plants grown from PH4CV seed, representative seed of which has been deposited under ATCC Accession No. PTA-4673, with plants of another maize line that comprise a desired trait to produce F1 progeny plants, wherein the desired trait is selected from the group consisting of male sterility, herbicide resistance, insect resistance, disease resistance and waxy starch; (b) selecting F1 progeny plants that have the desired trait to produce selected F1 progeny plants; (c) crossing the selected progeny plants with the PH4CV plants to produce backcross progeny plants; (d) selecting for backcross progeny plants that have the desired trait and physiological and morphological characteristics of maize inbred line PH4CV listed in Table 1 to produce selected backcross progeny plants; and (e) repeating steps (c) and (d) three or more times in succession to produce selected fourth or higher backcross progeny plants that comprise the desired trait and all of the physiological and morphological characteristics of maize inbred line PH4CV listed in Table 1 as determined at the 5% significance level when grown in the same environmental conditions.

26. A plant produced by the method of claim 25, wherein the plant has the desired trait and all of the physiological and morphological characteristics of maize inbred line PH4CV listed in Table 1 as determined at the 5% significance level when grown in the same environmental conditions.

27. The plant of claim 26 wherein the desired trait is herbicide resistance and the resistance is conferred to an herbicide selected from the group consisting of imidazolinone, sulfonylurea, glyphosate, glufosinate, L-phosphinothricin, triazine and benzonitrile.

28. The plant of claim 26 wherein the desired trait is insect resistance and the insect resistance is conferred by a transgene encoding a Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxin.

29. The plant of claim 26 wherein the desired trait is male sterility and the trait is conferred by a cytoplasmic nucleic acid molecule that confers male sterility.

30. A method of modifying fatty acid metabolism, phytic acid metabolism or carbohydrate in maize inbred line PH4CV comprising: (a) crossing PH4CV plants grown from PH4CV seed, representative seed of which has been deposited under ATCC Accession No. PTA-4673, with plants of another maize line that comprise a nucleic acid molecule encoding an enzyme selected from the group consisting of phytase, fructosyltransferase, levansucrase, alpha-amylase, invertase and starch branching enzyme or encoding an antisense of stearyl-ACP desaturase; (b) selecting F1 progeny plants that have said nucleic acid molecule to produce selected F1 progeny plants; (c) crossing the selected progeny plants with the PH4CV plants to produce backcross progeny plants; (d) selecting for backcross progeny plants that have said nucleic acid molecule and physiological and morphological characteristics of maize inbred line PH4CV listed in Table 1 to produce selected backcross progeny plants; and (e) repeating steps (c) and (d) three or more times in succession to produce selected fourth or higher backcross progeny plants that comprise said nucleic acid molecule and have all of the physiological and morphological characteristics of maize inbred line PH4CV listed in Table 1 as determined at the 5% significance level when grown in the same environmental conditions.

31. A plant, with modified fatty acid metabolism, modified phytic acid metabolism, or modified carbohydrate metabolism, produced by the method of claim 30, wherein the plant comprises the nucleic acid molecule and has all of the physiological and morphological characteristics of maize inbred line PH4CV listed in Table 1 as determined at the 5% significance level when grown in the same environmental conditions.



11. A method of producing an herbicide resistant maize plant comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene that confers herbicide resistance.

12. An herbicide resistant maize plant produced by the method of claim 11.

13. The maize plant of claim 12, wherein the transgene confers resistance to an herbicide selected from the group consisting of imidazolinone, sulfonylurea, glyphosate, glufosinate, L-phosphinothricin, triazine and benzonitrile.

14. A method of producing an insect resistant maize plant comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene that confers insect resistance.

15. An insect resistant maize plant produced by the method of claim 14.

28. The plant of claim 26 wherein the desired trait is insect resistance and the insect resistance is conferred by a transgene encoding a Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxin.


claim 2是

A seed of maize inbred line designated PH4CV, representative seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession No. PTA-4673.

2. A maize plant, or a part thereof, produced by growing the seed of claim 1.


Claim 11:A method of producing an herbicide resistant maize plant comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene that confers herbicide resistance.

权利声明(claims)11 :一个方法包含通过转换权力声明2中的玉米作物与一个具有抗除草剂转基因转换形成的抗除草剂转基因的玉米作物。

家园 同意,


家园 方先生当年反中医的时候倒是没考虑过是否“反对国策”
家园 文献看错了,过后再补
家园 没有这么断章取义的


家园 美国最能生的老墨也是爱吃玉米的



家园 史节, 你搞错了吧

专利US6,897,363 只有31个CLAIMS. 你的怎么是34个呢?

另外, 你显然没有任何专利经验?


家园 好像是和厚积薄发的那贴混了
家园 承蒙回帖,不胜惊讶和荣幸。




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