
主题:老太太违反了美国的四项基本原则 -- 一着

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家园 you are talking about Jewish

bankers, not all Jews.

Many Jews served as professionals (professors, doctors, researchers, artists). They did not betray Germany at all and they do not deserve Hitler's penalty.

Germans are just jealous of the achievement of those minorities. Unlike Britons, they do not give a fair treat to other ethnical minorities. Many years ago, when I was interviewed with one global German firm, I got strong support from VP level people, but the department manager told me that "I never had Asians work with me and do not expect so in the future". To be frank, those comments are enough for a discrimination case in an American context.

BTW, there are huge difference between America-trained Germans and domestic Germans who never had working/living experience in States. The former are much nicer to work with.

Germans are excellent nationals, but they obviously did not and do not allow success of other minority in their society. Anti-semantism is still pervasive in today's Germany: comments from my WASP students who visited Europe last summer.

家园 he is jewish, so he is safe

to criticize.

家园 你可以古狗更多,但证明不了什么




家园 是啊


家园 一战后对日耳曼人的伤害有什么较好的书籍资料可以推荐码?
家园 你说得对
家园 you got point
家园 以色列人不会把他们的信仰强加给我们,也不会因为信仰不同


家园 这能感觉的到。斯皮尔伯格能拒绝张艺谋不单单是因为苏丹。


家园 .


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