
主题:黑老大发话... 弟兄们, cut short, -- parishg

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家园 井大意思黄金已高位,等着人接?
家园 小猪们不行了,但是大猪们还能过的不错



家园 黄金是与全世界的政府与资本家作对


家园 agree. but only against the

central bank, not against the capitalists.

家园 10-year rate collapse

from around 4% to 3.42%.

Alan mentioned that the threshold level is 5%. America is very safe now with respect to its recent budget financing need.

家园 No. Check FDR-new deal
家园 都是资本的工具嘛



家园 Well done, the Jews

all we need to do to now is to follow their steps and make some money!

Chinese people are quite friendly to Jews and the two can form a good partnership, long live G2!

家园 brothers, hope you win big

in today's market!

Trichet finally threw down his pretentious mask and showed his true color: Bernanke No.2, the great inflationist, a hypocritical Frenchman faked as Germanic style inflation-hawk. He is very cunning in Thursday and throw a trap for Euro-shorter, but GS head had clear got signals and gave you and me warning to reap gains and withdraw! Long live Goldman Saches!

The global money printing competition just starts!

Gold will shine since all fiat money is on a way of self-destruction.

家园 早点看到你的文章就好了。

对于身在海外的华人来说,你有什么投资方面的建议吗?Index ETF(SP500), Energy/Commodity ETF or physical gold? What is your view on the U.S. market? Thanks.

家园 I am quite conservative

physical gold should be one component of your portfolio: it protect against inflation risk and central bank counterparty risk.

家园 one more question:

Any reliable sources of physical gold? Local coin dealers? Online Stores? Or just buy from US Mint? Thanks in advance.

家园 再啰嗦两句



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