
主题:黑老大发话... 弟兄们, cut short, -- parishg

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  • 家园 黑老大发话... 弟兄们, cut short,


    and withdraw. Now is time to reap the gains (in my case, 80% in three months overall, but more in shorting Euro), sit on the sideline and wait for the next wave to kill Europe. Euro is oversold and there might be temporary support in the European stock market due to covert ECB intervention.

    Britain has a hung parliament, but over the weekend, coalition gov. of Con and LB should clear the cloud over England.

    In the meantime, ECB must do something next week to temporarily relieve the Latin European banks. ECB will not let the system collapse. America will also lend support here to ensure that the European implosion will be a LONG, PEACEFUL AND PAINFUL process without systematic spillover into America, except for the collapse in European demand for American export in the real economy.

    For people who do not understand at all what I am talking about here or people live in China with limited financial tools to hedge against the evil government printing press: buy and keep PHYSICAL gold coins (.9999 fine type).

    Because all governments in the world, Euroland/US/Canada/Japan/China are going to use their printing press to print away their problems---at least they believe that they can achieve that.

    • 家园 早点看到你的文章就好了。

      对于身在海外的华人来说,你有什么投资方面的建议吗?Index ETF(SP500), Energy/Commodity ETF or physical gold? What is your view on the U.S. market? Thanks.

      • 家园 I am quite conservative

        physical gold should be one component of your portfolio: it protect against inflation risk and central bank counterparty risk.

        • 家园 再啰嗦两句



        • 家园 one more question:

          Any reliable sources of physical gold? Local coin dealers? Online Stores? Or just buy from US Mint? Thanks in advance.

    • 家园 brothers, hope you win big

      in today's market!

      Trichet finally threw down his pretentious mask and showed his true color: Bernanke No.2, the great inflationist, a hypocritical Frenchman faked as Germanic style inflation-hawk. He is very cunning in Thursday and throw a trap for Euro-shorter, but GS head had clear got signals and gave you and me warning to reap gains and withdraw! Long live Goldman Saches!

      The global money printing competition just starts!

      Gold will shine since all fiat money is on a way of self-destruction.

    • 家园 黄金是与全世界的政府与资本家作对


    • 家园 你确定你不是



    • 家园 这么一搞,国债发行应该没有问题了,可以收工了


    • 家园 不过呢,美国不是欧洲




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