
主题:天下大乱_Greece版, G-2当立!_Series4 -- parishg

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家园 Dow too? PG down -37%

in minutes, it's said a "tech glitch".

家园 sigh, too late, missed this

big opportunity. I believe PG at $40 was a very good deal!

家园 为何说是center of western civil?


家园 should use "origin".

sorry, a misuse of the phrase.

In US, you can short Euro through ETF.

家园 do u mean it is the market

reaction to have such a astonishing fall,rather than the error operation like the rumor said

家园 Financial market 的钱可不是那么好挣

shorting Euro 能赚大钱,听起来很诱人。可是实际炒作还是困难。我深信parishg对Euro长期下跌趋势的判断。可是市场总是有波动的,而且现在杠杆都很高,一不小心老本就被吃光。我去年初玩过一会CFD。记得当时澳币对美元0.68的时候,我买了十万块的long position (我对长期趋势的判断也不差呀)。我本金放了一万,觉得10% 的空间很保险了。结果某天晚上突然一个下跌,就被系统自动平仓了。风险实在是太大,一般人还是不要碰的好。不过像Parishg这样的大牛应该就不怕了,正好在市场里吃我这种小虾米。呵呵

家园 不要想翻倍



家园 I am in US. I will not use

FOREX to bet against Euro or Cable--you just explain the reason. In States, you can easily short foreign exchange ETF.

家园 when I posted that note,

market was not close yet. I was just so scared by the sudden change in my short position...

News was out around 3:40pm that there was a technical error...

家园 trades cancellation

Any stock that has more than 60% price change between 2:40 and 3:00pm will be canceled. You must have the notice already. A lot people would be really pissed off.

It was a dramatic day.

家园 如果本次市场波动确实是由“误操作”引发





家园 Interesting

I shall see if I can do it here in Canada. Currently I'm interested in FX.

家园 I agree with you

In the long term, even your judge is correct, it won't help you make a big money. It is extremely hard to beat the market in short time.

家园 我不是很理解为什么要救韩国


家园 I can't help sending you


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