
主题:天下大乱_Greece版, G-2当立!_Series4 -- parishg

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  • 家园 天下大乱_Greece版, G-2当立!_Series4


    That's the outcome of economic MIS-management. That's what we called "Center/Origin of the Western Civilization".

    The key period is March--after that, the collapse of confidence is non-reversible.

    As I said before, 2010PIGs=1997 Asia.

    I have been warning on this forum since early Feb. By now, many people should be quite rich if you follow my advice on shorting European equity and Euro...

    More dramatic moment will come in June. Watch out the stupid show of "lovely" Trichet...

    • 家园 西西河的意思不是“中国文化”么?




    • 家园 Financial market 的钱可不是那么好挣

      shorting Euro 能赚大钱,听起来很诱人。可是实际炒作还是困难。我深信parishg对Euro长期下跌趋势的判断。可是市场总是有波动的,而且现在杠杆都很高,一不小心老本就被吃光。我去年初玩过一会CFD。记得当时澳币对美元0.68的时候,我买了十万块的long position (我对长期趋势的判断也不差呀)。我本金放了一万,觉得10% 的空间很保险了。结果某天晚上突然一个下跌,就被系统自动平仓了。风险实在是太大,一般人还是不要碰的好。不过像Parishg这样的大牛应该就不怕了,正好在市场里吃我这种小虾米。呵呵

      • 家园 未经风险对冲的高杠杆比操作几乎是注定要输光的。

        未经风险对冲的高杠杆比操作几乎是注定要输光的,常常一个反向波动就被迫平仓了。Lehman和AIG就是高杠杆比导致破产的例子。投资银行尚且如此,更何况散户?楼主的操作也就是short ETF而已,不会用那么高的杠杆。

      • 家园 I agree with you

        In the long term, even your judge is correct, it won't help you make a big money. It is extremely hard to beat the market in short time.

      • 家园 I am in US. I will not use

        FOREX to bet against Euro or Cable--you just explain the reason. In States, you can easily short foreign exchange ETF.

      • 家园 不要想翻倍



    • 家园 为何说是center of western civil?


    • 家园 天下大乱_North American 版

      Today, US gov. started to support the stock market again around 2:30pm, Eastern Time. The fall was astonishing, just like a big rock...

      All financial assets (except gov. bonds and gold) keep on falling. Bid-ask spreads are so huge that transactions stop for many assets.

      DJI once fell by 500 points and SP500 touched 1100, amazing...

      • 家园 如果本次市场波动确实是由“误操作”引发





      • 家园 do u mean it is the market

        reaction to have such a astonishing fall,rather than the error operation like the rumor said

        • 家园 when I posted that note,

          market was not close yet. I was just so scared by the sudden change in my short position...

          News was out around 3:40pm that there was a technical error...

          • 家园 trades cancellation

            Any stock that has more than 60% price change between 2:40 and 3:00pm will be canceled. You must have the notice already. A lot people would be really pissed off.

            It was a dramatic day.

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