
主题:1919-1924年波兰抓获的苏联战俘 -- 一直在混

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家园 1919-1924年波兰抓获的苏联战俘

俄波两国历史学家(prof. Waldemar Rezmer and prof. Zbigniew Karpus from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and prof. Gennady Matveyev from Moscow State University)的共同看法:

总数八万至八万五,死亡人数16,000 (Karpus, Rezmer) - 20,000 (Matveyev)



The issue was finally settled in 2004, where a joint team of Polish and Russian historians (prof. Waldemar Rezmer and prof. Zbigniew Karpus from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and prof. Gennady Matveyev from Moscow State University), after reexamining documents from Polish and Russian archives published their results (printed in Russia by Federal Agency for Russian Archives). Their findings show that the number of Russian POWs can be estimated at between 80,000 and 85,000, and that the number of deaths in the camps can be estimated from 16,000 (Karpus, Rezmer) to 20,000 (Matveyev). Existing documents and proofs does not also confirm thesis made by many Russian historians that Russian POWs were specially exterminated in Polish camps because of their nationality, religion or other issues.[1][8] They also show that the main cause of death were various illnesses and epidemics (influenza, typhus, cholera and dysentery), noting that these diseases also took a heavy toll among fighting soldiers and the civilian population..

A similar number of Polish POWs - about 20,000 out of about 51,000 - died in Soviet and Lithuanian camps.




家园 大胖子沙发
家园 更多资料

From autumn 1920, thousands of captured Red Army men had been placed in the camp of Тuchola, in Pomerania. These POWs lived in trenches. Famine, cold and infectious diseases killed tens of prisoners daily. In the winter 1920/1921 PoWs had a death rate of about 25% which was attributed to malnutrition, poor sanitary conditions, lack of fuel and medicines and physical maltreatment by the Polish supervisors.

From the moment of opening an infirmary in February, 1921 till May 11, 1921 there was registered epidemic diseases 6491, not epidemic 12294, 2561 deaths (W.Rezmer, Zbigniew Karpus, G.Matvejev Red Army POWs in the Polish POW camps 1919-1922, p. 671).

Lieutenant Colonel I. Matuszewski, the head of the II department of the Polish Joint Staff, informed the military minister of Poland in the letter on February 1, 1922, that 22,000 PoWs were lost in the camp of Tuchola during its existence. (Red Army POWs..., p. 671), however according to Karpus, Rezmer the total death toll in all Polish POW camps was near 16,000, while Matvejev's estimate is 20,000.

On the other side of the frontline about 20,000 out of about 51,000 Polish POWs died in Soviet and Lithuanian camps (Karpus, Zbigniew, Alexandrowicz Stanisaw, Zwycizcy za drutami. Jeńcy polscy w niewoli (1919-1922). Dokumenty i materiay (Victors behind the fences. Polish POWs (1919-1922). Documents and materials). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikoaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Toruń, 1995, ISBN 83-231-0627-4).

While the conditions for Soviet prisoners were clearly exposed by the free press in Poland(Karpus op.cit.), no corresponding fact-finding about Soviet camps for Polish POWs could be expected from tightly controlled Soviet press of the time. Available data shows many cases of mistreatment of Polish prisoners. There have been also cases of Soviet army executing Polish POWs when no POW facilities were available (Karpus op.cit.).

家园 你引的wiki里还有这么一段

The Russian historians arrived at this number by first estimating the number of POWs, then subtracting the number that has been repatriated to the Soviet Union after the hostilities ended, and then assuming that most of the remainder died in POW camps[3]. Polish historians always countered this by arguing that: (a) the number of POWs was very difficult to estimate accurately, due to the chaotic situation prevailing for most of the war, and (b) many Soviet POWs lost that status after they switched sides and entered units fighting alongside Polish forces against the Red Army, or were transferred to the Whites rather than the Bolsheviks[3]. There was also the problem that significant number of Russian POWs were left in the territory of Poland since World War I (about 3.9 million soldiers of the Russian Empire were taken captive by the Central Powers) and obviously when the Polish-Soviet conflict deteriorated, these POWs were not released to Russia.[3][4]


家园 那可否麻烦您提供更权威的数字


家园 这个问题要怎么看了

苏联方面是留下相关的大量文档的,所以作实了,波兰自己留下的文档在哪里,这是个问题,我觉得如果要寻找证据的话,就应该尽可能的依靠原始文件,如果没有,那既不能肯定,也不能否定,就变成了前面两国的争论,所有数字都是估计的,没有一个相对准确的数字,这是什么都证明不了的。之所以这么说,是基于两个事实,波兰政府对苏维埃的态度和波苏战争的实际进程。 我在崔可夫的回忆录看到过一些波苏战争的回忆,感觉上是倾向于存在的。



家园 一个旁证

那个俄罗斯学者是M·V·罗蒙诺索夫莫斯科国立大学的(俄语:Московский Государственный Университет имени М.В.Ломоносова,缩写为МГУ、MSU或 MGU,简称“莫斯科国立大学”)是俄罗斯最大和历史最悠久的大学。


家园 我觉得都有可能


家园 从俄文wiki来看,参与研究的双方好像还是有很大的分歧的


家园 其实我一直想说


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