
主题:南棒的船沉了,米国人民high了 -- Ash

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家园 南棒的船沉了,米国人民high了



The only good Korean is a dead Korean. They are savage yellow monkeys, period. Their credo is "Lie, cheat, steal, push, shove, spit, copy, lie, deny, blame the foreigner, save face, plagiarize, get plastic surgery, abort female fetuses, beat up innocent foreign ESL instructors 10 on one, rape, exploit, sodomize children, etc." I rejoice at the death of every single Korean simian. Their fascist "pure blood" MUST be eliminated from the global gene pool.Death to ALL Korean scum, both North and South. All Korean children should be strung up like "boshintang" puppies(dogs bred for eating in @#$%hole Korea) and slowly beaten to death with a steel pipe, to soften them and add flavor. Brainwashed, nationalistic "moonie" @#$%, at best. Hehehe, this "tragedy" made my day!!! Watch the monkeys save face and blame anything but their Northern "brothers," they have a HUGE national inferiority complex and do not want humans to learn that they are weak and dirty subhuman chimps! Dae han min@#$%! Fighting! Hitay! Whitey! Whitay! Die monkeys, die!!!!

家园 说不定是中国人写的。貌似只有中国人用Hehehe吧
家园 美国人也用hehe


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