
主题:【爆笑猛料】伊朗富豪的烦恼,“老四那个狐狸精买了双鞋。” -- 西风陶陶

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家园 【爆笑猛料】伊朗富豪的烦恼,“老四那个狐狸精买了双鞋。”

Three Wives Attempt Suicide After Argument

Mon Nov 22, 2004 09:14 AM ET

TEHRAN (Reuters) - All three wives of a 67-year-old Iranian man took overdoses in an unsuccessful triple suicide attempt after the youngest wife bought an expensive pair of boots, a news agency reported on Sunday.

"My two other wives were very jealous after my 27-year-old wife bought a pair of boots for $450," the husband was quoted as saying by the ISNA student news agency.

"After they had an argument about the price, they all attempted suicide together," he added.

All three women, now in stable condition in the hospital, have separate apartments and cars.

Men in Iran, where Islamic law has been in force since 1979, can marry up to four wives, although polygamy is fairly rare.

家园 齐人之福不易享啊
家园 西兄看错了吧,好像只有三个老婆,哪来的老四?
家园 哦,这哥们看来比较讲义气,有QUOTA也留了个给其他兄弟。
家园 而且伊斯兰教规规定妻子的地位是平等的,麻烦多着呢
家园 哈哈

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