
主题:美国开始搞社会主义 -- 拿不准

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家园 美国开始搞社会主义






视频及文字(ABC news)



Before the words "whole grain" and "organic" became part of Americans' everyday vocabulary, Bob Moore knew the importance of healthful eating.

Bob's Red Mill Natural Foods owner Bob Moore gives his company to his employees.In 1978, he started Bob's Red Mill Natural Foods, as a small family-run business in Oregon selling stone mill-ground whole grains.

The company has since grown into a multi-million dollar business that sells more than 400 whole grain products including flours, hot cereals, and organic and gluten-free products.

Moore is dedicated to making America healthier and he believes Bob's Red Mill is a small part of the solution.

"Our company needs to exist so that some of the people that eat our product will be healthier -- and I think they will be," he said.

Employee-Run Business

Moore's work is a way of life and his employees are a second family, which is why he announced this week that he's handing over the keys to his 209 employees.

Moore said he's gotten countless buy-out offers over the years, but he couldn't envision selling the business to a stranger.

家园 这也就算一大集体吧,离全民的还有距离呢
家园 读者回复:老头高尚,社会要改造(“共产”字眼频现)


This is one nice guy ! Congratulations to the whole company ! Congratulations to the whole family !I wish you long and healthy lives !If one has nothing good to say, please don't bother taking anybody's time and space !

Posted by:

11alaska Feb-21 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 35

Wow! Kudos to Bob Moore! Congratulations to the employees of the company! What Mr. Moore has done is an example of what businesses and companies across this country, and throughout the world, should consider as one step toward putting people over profit. The profit motive in our country, and our world, has devastated humanity as a whole, leaving masses of people worldwide to suffer in poverty at the expense of the profit of a few. It has devastated our planet by destroying the environment upon which every human being depends upon survival. It has been the main driver of crime, war, deception, exploitation, and imperialism for centuries. Mr. Moore is right; the love of money is the root of all evil, and to rid this world of evil, you must begin by dealing with the root of it first.Posted by:

Leninza Pata Feb-21 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 34

It is really a stretch to call one employee owned business "communism" ("communism" does not address ownership at the firm level), and even though it is true that "in capitalism the private owner(s) and/or shareholders" control the means of production, there is nothing in capitalist theory that precludes the workers from also being the shareholders, unless you are Thomas Malthus. The idea in captialism is that any surplus produced by the workers will be reinvested into the business, and what better group of people to make that decision than the people that actually make the products? Good for you, Bob Moore, and to ABC News for sharing it.Posted by:

superjordy Feb-21 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 33

I think what the boss is doing is a lovely, warm gesture. Really, I do. But folks at ABC, please don't dress this up as an all-American story.The workers owning the means of production? That is the classic definition of communism. In communism the workers own the factory, in capitalism the private owner(s) and/or shareholders do.The mainstream media's inability to understand the basic difference between capitalism, communism and socialism never ceases to amaze me.....

Posted by:

RichardB000 Feb-20 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 32

Workers owning the means of production? That is communism, pure and simple.

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RichardB000 Feb-20 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 31

I've loved his company's products for years. It's great to know that there's been such a great heart behind the products.

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genlin Feb-20 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 30

Is this gonna be the AMERICAN VERSION of KIKKOMAN (soy sauce) company of Japan ??? a company that makes high quality products and LOYAL HARD WORKING EMPLOYEES deserves a good gift from the kindhearted BOSS. Sir Bob Moore congratulations I wish your company to last for hundreds of years like KIKKOMAN. I also hope that this serves as a wake up call and example for us AMERICANS to start thinking and working as a GROUP. We need to think and do whats right for the company because that company belongs to a group of hard working people and each one of us are in it. AND TO ALL CFO/CEO/Chairman of the Board and WALL ST. SCALAWAGS....You guys are a bunch of Ivy league educated TERRORIST that almost killed AMERICAS ECONOMY protected by loopholes of the law and lying advocates. YOU ARE THE REAL TERRORIST Posted by:

PATR1K78 Feb-20 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 29

I meant to convey the other dark and evil side of Corporate America.On one side We have a dying breed business man by the name of Bob Moore who shows generosity, humility, virtue, kindness, unselfishness and conveying every aspect of being a poster boy for the perfect Business Man and on the other side we have Corporate Titans who wreck the global economy and cost millions of hard working folks to lose there jobs and life savings and then to show how sorry they are for there inept incompetence grant themselves and henchmen huge extravagant Bonuses for failure and with a straight face they think they deserve it!

Posted by:

sybase48 Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 28

Dern, I didn't know a family home grown business existed today as most family run businesses succumb to greed and sold it or went public! God Bless this unselfish Man. Maybe Corporate America will look at this as an example but I doubt itPosted by:

sybase48 Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 27

Wow! At last one who truly understands the basic principle of maintainting wealth: "To be a blessing to others!"Be blessed Mr. Moore, as you have so willingly done for your employees. N. Moise

Posted by:

dimitryja2009 Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 26

Not only is Mr. Moore an outstanding example of a boss who truly cares about the people who have been loyal and instrumental to his success, he is also a shining example of how the whole world should treat each other. If there was this much true concern about individuals throughout the world, we could eliminate WAR. Thank you Mr. Moore for being who you are. I only hope that your company has continued success in the future under the new ownership plan. You will be truly blessed for your generosity.Erbie Feb-19Posted by:

Citroenut Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 25

Wow! This story brought a tear to my eye. Corporate america needs to take a good hard look in the mirror...Posted by:

rdcsurf Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 24

I'm happily amazed. Thank you, Mr. Moore!!! Just when I had all but lost hope in large business owners, you show me that not everyone is insanely greedy, power and money driven. Not only are your products wonderful (even the gluten-free products), but your business philosophy is heart-warming and refreshing. I wish there were more business leaders like you.

Posted by:

benney928 Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 23

Truly an honorable thing to do Bob. It's great to read about bosses that really respect , care aboutand acknowlege the people who helped them build their business. The executives whocollected millions in bonuses while their financial institution companies were 'losing millions' couldtake a lesson from you. Posted by:

53bearsfan Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 22

Simply amazing! This is definitely a breath of fresh air as an Entrepreneur who is currently rebuilding. Hope reigns! Best wishes Mr. Moore, you look very well too for 81. May God continue to richly bless you.Posted by:

dfp70 Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 21

Bravo Bill, you and your "business family" are a true American success story!Posted by:

Jiva Soul Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 20

Amazing, makes the fat cats on wall street look even fatter. Great guy! We would have such a great country if this was the structure.

Posted by:

jennifer gustavson Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 19

Wonderful, a true american who still believes in loyalty ,hard work and the real basics of life. Wall Street could take a lesson here!!!! God Bless You Bob!!!!Posted by:

yellowyvonne7 Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 18

Every one of those greedy bankers who are getting million dollar bonuses should be made to set and watch this story then write a report on why they should get all that money while people are losing everything they have so they can have that money.Posted by:

jimoldman69 Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 17

When people OWN a business, know the people within and the work they do, they get an appreciation that SHAREHOLDERS, who may never have set foot in the business, let alone know what exactly they do, never will. It's easy to RATIONALIZEfaceless, nameless human beings.

Posted by:treblig56 Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 16

A true American! Wall Street has a lot to learn from this.

Posted by:

338lapua Feb-19 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 15

I want to see the video again. It's good to see that there are people like him left in the world. Most of the time we just see the thieving scum of wall street. Post the video please. Spread some hope.Posted by:

rightbehind Feb-18 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 14


Posted by:

motomech10 Feb-18 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 13

I am doing a paper on social responsibility and would like to show this video. This story shows that there is still some soul left in americans. How do I get a copy.

Posted by:

cowboyrey5150 Feb-18 Mark As Violation

Admin Link: 12

IF only the rest of Corporate America was as caring what a wonderful world this would be. BUT they are NOT and that is why 95% of the news we see is about what we everyday working Americans keep losing or have to do without. So, Mr. Moore I am quite sure you will have more rewards waiting for you in Heaven then you ever imagined and you will have deserved each and every one of them! You are a Blessing! Posted by:

Bravo2You Feb-18

家园 比较关心这个会不会成为制度


家园 偶怎么觉得他不是分发,是卖给雇员啊。


家园 另外有一个Moore,拍了一个电影

Capitalism: A Love Story



家园 这个早着呢。


家园 老头把厂子折成股份


The company will now be run by an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) -- the idea being that a company's stock is put in a retirement plan for its employees, but the stock is never held or bought directly by individuals. When a vested employee retires, he can pull out money from the trust.

家园 hehe 一共三个人在说communism


But folks at ABC, please don't dress this up as an all-American story.

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