
主题:A Case for Touch Computing 1 -- AllenKid

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家园 A Case for Touch Computing 1




We’ve been seeing it for ages. A data pad held in one hand displaying all sorts of information while the other hand manipulating the data, gesturing the layout, doing voodoo or whatever. In Sci-Fi novels, movies and games. Over and over again, a gadget the size of a legal pad that provides us all the personal computing had been envisioned, conceived, and experimented.


It’s the worst kept secret, the future of personal computing involves a touch pad. We all know it, we all want it. Nonetheless like the flying car, we’ve been promised once and again, but the pad never came.

Not until now.

The iPhone was so close, but it is also so small. A full screen of information is still not enough for our disproportionally over grown brain, the data is confined within that 3.5” display, fragmented, simplified, and the means of manipulating data is severely limited. It’s a trade-off, we lose functionality for super portability. Yet we were very happy.

On the day of January 27th 2010, Apple’s own Steve Jobs finally brought us the first legit data pad, “legit” as in the form factor, the ways we interact with it, the tasks it can handle, and the elegant simplicity of user experience. In a lot of ways it is an inevitable evolution from iPhone, the OS is a modified iPhone OS, the frameworks are largely unchanged, even the innate hardware is very much comparable. But I’d reckon the iPad is indeed a revolution, it is everyone’s personal terminal, for nearly everything.

Why do we need this thingy, we already have our beloved general purpose personal computers. A lot of us have several of them as a matter of fact, we have our desktops our laptops & and our netbook plus iPhone. WHY DO WE NEED ANOTHER GADGET to do the things we are already doing quite comfortably? Not to mention the iPad doesn’t have a video camera, not as powerful as my laptop, don’t multitask, lack a physical keyboard, and, GASP, doesn’t do FLASH!!!

But my friend, you are missing the point. We can safely say there are a lot of things the first gen iPad won’t do well either due to hardware limitation or software capability (or lack of for that matter) But what it can do, it does marvelously better. “That’s rubbish!” some might protest, “How is it better than my laptop for web browsing, everything renders the same. Besides, no FLASH!” Yes, iPad displays the web exactly as it should be sans Flash/Silverlight/ActiveX/Real. Mobile Safari is the single most W3C compatible browser out there. But it is better not because its devotion to web standard. That’s just taking a stand, exposing why proprietary web frameworks suck. The web experience on iPad is better because how the web is presented to us, how we interact with it, the most direct way to do internet. You don’t worry about plug-ins, or browser extensions, you don’t rely on peripherals to convey your intension. There is you, your fingers, and the web. Touch Computing get you your info first hand. More times than not, even when I’m in front of my laptop with Firefox running, I still deliberately grab my iPhone to check the blog feeds I read, twitter or stock info. It is just faster, without distraction, and fundamentally more humane. The same argument is also very true about media consumption. The UI gets out of the way as quick as possible, when needed one tap and it’s there. Yes, this magic we have seen. Now on the iPad it is growing into its full potential, and it is awesome.

[To be continued]

家园 还是



家园 你们对Flash还真是巴不得早日给它灭掉阿
家园 一个用 JS 和 SVG 技术写的 Flash 替代品

Gordon (as in Flash Gordon 飞侠哥顿) by Tobias Schneider


开源作品,而且是2010年1月13号新鲜出炉,Alpha 阶段而已。

但是 CPU 占用率已经低于 Flash 10 了,而且 FireFox 3.6, Safari 4.0.4 Mobile Safari on iPhone 3.1 均测试通过。

我期待着 Google Finance 等重度依赖 Flash 的服务转用该架构。

家园 超酷 HTML5 Canvas 应用,推荐观赏

感染力不凡的富媒体体验,粒子效果很惊艳,CPU 占用率也低


FireFox 3.5 以上 Safari 4.0 以上测试通过

家园 Apple 成功把潜在竞争者逼入墙脚

Between a rock and a hard place

家园 我对可以随时编辑的东西都很喜欢


这边改好了,需要转化(编译,code gen或者随便什么scramble)一下,那边才能看,也还行。



所以我理解AK,当我那个开了三天的firefox播放youtube没声音的时候;所以我理解AK,当我要看某电影trailer,却需要被强迫装quicktime的时候;real network已经死的差不多了,flash还会远吗?

家园 理解全然不够


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