
主题:无聊,决定持续跟踪一个阴谋论网站 -- Levelworm

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家园 无聊,决定持续跟踪一个阴谋论网站



欧米の財務警察関係者によると、トルコの工作員が大型手形を用いアジア通貨への攻撃を始めようとしている。米連銀やユーロがこれから打撃を受けることに対しての仕返し作戦だという。これを行っている工作員は以前ブログで紹介したトルコのDragiとEmroullahとViktor Danitzovである。詳しい話は聞けてないが、アジア危機のようなものを企んでいるようだ。当局は不自然な相場動乱に注意しなくてはならない。

A major financial attack on Asia may be imminent

According to a European based Treasury agent, a major financial attack on Asian currencies is imminent. Among the people involved are the men by the names of Dragi and Emroullah previously mentioned in this blog as well as a Bulgarian man by the name of Viktor Danitzov. The attack involves extremely large denomination Treasury certificates. The attack is meant as revenge against the imminent implosion of the Euro and the dollar.

In a related note, a senior MI6 sources says he is hearing there will be a bank holiday starting on December 16th. Whether this is for the US only or worldwide is not yet clear. We shall see.

家园 12/16/2009




The emperor returns from the US empty-handed, the Chinese demand an explanation

The Japanese emperor returned empty-handed from his recent trip to Washington. The Chinese sent a Vice-Premier to Tokyo to demand an explanation. The answer is this: the world is facing a crisis with millions if not hundreds of millions of people starving even as we humans continue to devastate our natural environment. The people of the world are tired of paying for this and will not accept the fascist, fraudulent agenda being pushed at Coppenhagen. They demand that the world’s financial resources be spent on ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and releasing the forbidden technology for the benefit of all. They want the deserts to be turned green, they want the oceans to be replenished with fish and they want every child on earth to have a full mind and a full stomach. No other solution is acceptable. If necessary, a hundred-million-man-army will be assembled to enforce the wishes of humanity.

家园 能翻译一下么?


家园 请看这里


家园 12/28/2009




More about the Emperor’s trip to the US

The Japanese Emperor visited the US this week to sign some 1930’s Chinese imperial gold backed bonds. The Black Dragon Society had the funds frozen again for the following reasons: First of all the Imperial family signed a secret agreement at the end of World War 2 making them subservient to the Rockefeller family. Secondly, the money was going to be used to fund the phony “global warming” campaign being run by George Soros, Al Gore and that lot. Furthermore a very senior Chinese official was offered the job of “world emperor” for going along with this. We cannot allow the symbol of the Japanese people to be misused by a malevolent foreign power. The money does not belong to a small clique of foreign power brokers, it belongs to the people of the world.

On a related note we can confirm from multiple reliable sources that Nazi power broker Henry (Heinz) Kissinger has been missing for several days. He could be either dead or hiding in an underground base.

家园 本杰明大师啊


家园 送花


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