
主题:奥巴马已经“二进宫”了 -- 晨枫

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家园 奥巴马已经“二进宫”了


家园 一般来说一个总统最多


家园 你忘了罗斯福!

搞不好奥巴马RP大发,来个World War III,打破罗斯福的记录,5任!

当然这是小概率事件,不过世事难料啊,这个World War III搞不好10来年就会降临,到时大家真地求老天保佑了!

家园 那就得修宪了
家园 同一个任期两次宣誓就职, 奥巴马没有创造第一

Calvin Coolidge (第33任总统)和Chester A. Arthur(第21任总统)都干过.

奥巴马口齿还是清的, 但他对Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.的错误准备不足.


家园 看来新闻界还没有统一口径


家园 事情经过是这样

在宣誓过程中, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.领, 奥巴马跟.


"...that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States."

Chief Justice John G. Roberts 的词:

"I will execute the office of president of the United States faithfully."

奥巴马犹豫一下, 也跟了.

家园 faithfully this time……

家园 非也

奥巴马听出大法官出错,所以停顿, 笑了一下,希望大法官改正。结果这个大法官可能太紧张了,还是把faithfully放在最后,奥巴马就将错就错跟着重复。。。。。

家园 昨天电视也是这么说的


家园 规定不能两次选上总统的宪法修正案是在罗斯福后才有的



家园 哦,是这样
家园 其实这个结巴的恶霸马才是真的,选举的时候的那个



家园 not exactly

Here's the oath as written:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

But what John Roberts says is "I Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear, that I will execute the office of President to the united states faithfully."

Obama begins to repeat after Roberts, saying, "That I will execute..." then he stops, kind of smiles. At this point, the penny drops for Roberts, who begins to repeat the correct order of words: "Faithfully the office of the President of the United States." There's some talking over each other at that point. The rest of the oath goes smoothly. Then Roberts asks: "So help you God?"

"So help me God," Obama replies, but the last part isn't officially part of the oath either, it's usually up to the President to decide if he should say "so help me God."

家园 修宪的话干脆允许美国以外出生好了.加州州长就有机会了


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