
主题:请手边有英语笑话的人来帮个忙 -- 扬州小羊

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家园 political correctness

It depends la. I feel like they pretended to be polite when I was there, using carefully chosen words. While they have problems with anything, f***ing things like pouring water. However, I replaced it with a more polite word.

家园 你说得没错


家园 侯宝林的相声

One dark night, two drunk men were debating on the street.

One said "I'm not drunk"

The other asked, "Sure." Then he took out a flashlight from his pocket, turned it on, and stood it on the ground on the bottom. "Mr. Not Drunk, are you able to climb up along this pillar?"

The first man looked up to the end of the light beam, shook his head, and said "Oh no, I am not that drunk. I know what you are gonna do -- as soon as I come to the middle, you bad bastard turn off the botton, and I am gonna fall on my butt!"

关键词(Tags): #外语学习
家园 哈哈,多谢,没想到这个段子还有英文版的
家园 多谢!看来美国人心目中律师的地位确实不咋地


家园 我女儿有好多,给你讲俩容易记的

Why does six dislike seven?

Because seven eight nine. (说明一下:9是6颠倒过来,算是6的哥们儿,而数字789这样念下来,就是7 ate 9,7要吃了9,所以6不喜欢7)。


Dog is in lead, tomato is catching up, tap is running.


家园 这种双关很难了。一定要在这个文化中生活久了才能明白。
家园 我老师给我讲过一个嘲笑穆斯林的,这个不好,但是说说而已



if you put one ham on your head, what do you say?

--ham on head,

yes, then if you put more hams on your head, what do you say?




家园 一个英国工人讲的关于新西兰人的笑话

hi, do you know how the wikis count?

one, two, three, four, five,

six, six,en.....six, sex...sex..

oh yes, sex sex...

they will never make it to seven..

家园 A joke about Bush

President Jeorge Bush asked one of his secretaries standing just beside him during his visit to Mexico, " Could you speak Mexican?"

家园 put one ham on your head,

把哈木放在头上干什么呢? 整个人作一个热狗吗?

家园 整中式的英文吧,去找找山寨英文版的说句心里话
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