
主题:【原创】七夕送花记 -- 忘情

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家园 谢谢你,我也是这么安慰自己的


家园 说得是,任何事情都有两面性
家园 采薇姐姐生动的阐述了生产力与生产关系之间的奥妙
家园 看人的



家园 花娇羞无限
家园 正直的人,也会有人喜欢的

Iron girls would like 正直的人.

家园 Please change your mind

婚后吵架打架成家常便饭---definitely, it is the fact and it doesn't mean both of you are not happy!!!!!

Please look at 婚后吵架打架 in different!

Girls behave like kids, after marriege, they need to proove that you still love her as before, so they will behave unreasonablely sometimes, and when you can't take such behave any more, then 吵架打架 will come out. Then afterthat, both of you will love each other more (as long as you can control yourself).

Last night, I had fight with my sweetheart, but today, we love each other more!!! My wife knows that I love her as before!!!

So, please get married !!!

家园 吵架, 打架 will come out.

Lucky your neighbour didn't call 911... Probably your couple fought in very low voice. Yankee's cops prefer handling family violence issues. No adanger while duty done, which makes them feel accomplish sth.

Yes, no marriage has no problem. But there are some differences between conflicts and fights, particulary fights with violence. You might not feel ease if your wife runs after you with a knife, or a rod. One time, you might say she is too anxious, or on a fury. But times after times, it could exhaust your energy. Hope you have nice boss, and he won't give you extra pressure.

家园 You misunderstood

The word of "Fight" refers to 吵架 in US, and totally different from Domestic Violence.

I guess you have some kind of experience as what you discribed. Howevere, you miss this point here.

家园 吵架

Loud voice fight can also get you trouble. Some guys were sent to jail for this. Argue what is the definition of fight does not make any sense. The key is this sort of conflicts cannot cross some line.,

then 吵架打架 will come out. Then afterthat, both of you will love each other more (as long as you can control yourself).

家园 都成过去时了
家园 Go back to the point-

Merriage which involves fights b/w loved ones.--that is what I am discussing about.

as for what you are talking about, suggest you post separate one, not in this series.

As for the topic what you discussed, I would say I know more than most people, suggest you check other US Chinese website, I have helped many people on the situation you discussed.

家园 缘分未到罢了
家园 哼哼,连家里钥匙都给人家了,还说怎么怎么




家园 我家不上锁

我车库门用密码开,然后通里面的门不锁,防盗系统也用密码开。 如果要收回,钥匙都不用收,一改密码就行了,高吧?

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