
主题:【原创】七夕送花记 -- 忘情

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家园 Please change your mind

婚后吵架打架成家常便饭---definitely, it is the fact and it doesn't mean both of you are not happy!!!!!

Please look at 婚后吵架打架 in different!

Girls behave like kids, after marriege, they need to proove that you still love her as before, so they will behave unreasonablely sometimes, and when you can't take such behave any more, then 吵架打架 will come out. Then afterthat, both of you will love each other more (as long as you can control yourself).

Last night, I had fight with my sweetheart, but today, we love each other more!!! My wife knows that I love her as before!!!

So, please get married !!!

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