主题:Big Don'ts on Resume... -- 煮酒正熟
Here's the article. Will add comments later...
Your resume is the most important document in any job search. But what if you're submitting resume after resume and receiving no results at all -- not even a call? Your resume may be fatally flawed.
How can a resume betray a job seeker? It's not just typos or poor formatting. According to Lauren Milligan, founder of ResuMAYDAY, a resume-writing and career coaching firm based near Chicago, "The biggest flaw for a resume is when it fails to showcase a person's accomplishments, contributions, and results, and instead spouts a job description of each position he's held."
Use these three tips to make sure your resume doesn't betray you.
1. Think Big
Whatever jobs you've held -- be it as an assistant or a CEO -- think beyond the everyday tasks of your position. Shares Milligan, "People get bogged down in the day-to-day details of their jobs, but when it comes to your resume, you've got to get out of the clutter and ask yourself, 'What does this work mean?'"
She continues, "If I'm hiring for an administrative assistant, I already know what one does. I don't want to see a resume that only says an applicant can type and answer a phone. You have to go beyond that to point out your specific strengths."
Start by having big-picture conversations about what you do and how it serves the organization as a whole. States Milligan, "If you're in a support position, consider how successful the person you support is and how you help her do her job better. What role do you have in her successes? Those are your accomplishments."
2. Be Clear
Focusing on your accomplishments rather than your specific responsibilities will help keep your resume concise. "There's a huge difference between a resume and the Great American Novel," says Milligan. "The resumes I'm most proud of summed up a 25-year career in a single page."
She urges job seekers to remember that resumes are typically skimmed for a mere six to eight seconds. "Make sure you're identifying the companies you worked for, how long you were there, and if you earned a promotion. Those are things that people look for immediately." Also, if your job title is long and vague, tighten it up so that people immediately understand what you've done. For example, "Marketing Manager" is much more accessible than "Global Identity Architect."
Given the time you have to catch a recruiter's eye, a focused, accomplishment-driven resume is the way to go. She adds, "If you are loaded up on peripheral stuff, it's too hard for a hiring manager to find your story."
3. Get Real
What if you're trying to think about how you've helped build the big picture for your employer and you come up blank?
"A couple of times I've talked to people who insisted they just did their jobs and there's nothing special about them that jumps out," Milligan observes. "I've asked these folks point-blank, 'Are you really in the right position then?'" It's a difficult question to ask, according to this resume expert, but, she says, "These people may be chasing the wrong job."
She counsels clients that if they cannot speak about what they've done in terms of enhancing the position or the company, "You may be just punching a clock -- and you and your employer deserve more."
Thanks for sharing.
A. Keep your resume to one page - for the same reason that each resume will be skimmed for less than 10 seconds, resumes longer than one page will be read even less thoroughly. In addition a long resume shows a lack of ability to prioritize and focus on the important items, and/or a lack of effort on the applicant's part to learn about the open position and tailor his/her resume accordingly.
In business school I have had classmates who have held CxO positions (mostly of small companies or startups, obviously) who had to limit their resumes to one page despite their vast amount of experiences. I know of only one exception to this rule: it's okay for PhD's to have multi-page resumes, mostly because of the need for space to list their publications.
B. Begin each bullet with action verbs. "managed", "led", "analyzed", etc. are (in most cases) better than "participated" or "held (a position)"
C. Be results-oriented, quantify results whenever possible. If you managed a project, list size of the team, budget, duration, scope and outcome. Statement such as "Led a XX-person team with $YY budget to implement ZZ, resulted in savings of $AA/efficiency improvement of BB%/leadtime reduction of CC days" make the recruiters' job easier by providing quantifiable information which they can use to evaluate whether the applicant's experience is comparable with what the open position requires.
Will update if more thoughts pop up...
school for years, I don't have the templates, except for the actual resumes I've received/reviewed, but I can't post them here.
However if you have any specific questions, feel free to bring them up.
商管方面的职位,比如 General Marketing, Brand Management, FP&A, Purchasing,
Supply Management (fancy 的词就多了去啦,什么 Strategic Global Sourcing)
等等的非经理职位,以及所有的经理职位。这些经验是所有 逼死故 里奉若圭臬的
就不一定是必要条件;有时还会 backfire.
率来描述。这种情况下,一些较软的表达也是被普遍接受的,比如: ensure timely
delivery and accuracy of mail list... ensure right and accurate risk criteria
in credit campaigns...
偏技术性硕士应聘相关职位时,关键点是:(1) 尽量运用行业内常用辞汇和概念,
同时对概念辞汇的把握和使用要尽量精准 (比如我们这一行中 analysis 与 analytics
的用法是有区别有讲究的,campaign 与 project 也不同,对于各种 marketing initiatives
的描述不能一概弄个 strategic, 那样会让人觉得你根本不懂什么是战略什么是 tactic)
;(2) 结尾处要单列使用的分析软件
你说得没错,我说的几点确实是从商管方面来的。因为学校的recruiting season快要开始了,我这两天正和同事讨论这些事,看到你上面那个帖子后就把我的一些想法随手打出来了。
1。送出去的resume最好要有针对性。每一个recruiter在过滤resume时都有一个list,上面有他们要找的candidate需要符合的条件,而这些条件都会在job description中体现出来。我在过滤resume时给我留下印象最深的不一定是成绩、经验最优秀的,而是把我的问题/要求回答得最清楚的。
2。我觉得只要可能,把经验量化还是有好处的,如和“Ensured timely delivery of mail list...”相比,“Successfully maintained on-time delivery rate at 95% or higher”不仅表达了类似的意思,同时还告诉了recruiter测量你工作成绩所用的metrics和你已经达到的工作水平。当然就像你说的不是所有的业绩都能量化。我一般把能量化的东西排在前面,其他的靠后,这样最符合recruiter对各种信息的prioritization。
您说的1,绝对正确。只是在现实中有这么两个因素也不能不考虑:(1) 人的精力有
限,一份简历弄几个“主题变奏曲”或许还可行,再多了就有困难了; 如果遇到一
份内容和形式都很优秀的简历 不加 tailor,直接 mass email, 一天可以发十几个;
你改了,发的就少,不改呢 发的就多,最终里外里算算概率,还真不好说;我自己
就有好几次机会都是因为我的简历被别人转到 recruiting manager 手里的;(2)
对于很久没做 job search 的人而言,需要一个 warm up 的过程,前面弄十几个适
简历 --- 当然前提是简历的质量确实非常过硬。
您说的 2 对我很有启发。还有您上贴说的 要砍掉部分工作经历,我从前虽然想过
但没敢动手... 现在再改简历,心里就更有谱儿啦,所以要说声谢谢。