
主题:一篇我觉得最客观中立的文章与大家分享 -- evilpanda

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家园 一篇我觉得最客观中立的文章与大家分享


家园 这篇不大有趣,另一篇谈CIA动向和西藏军事部署的文章更牛些。


家园 国宝兄看文不仔细





The Chinese government has attacked the Western media, the Dalai Lama and all those taking part in the protests in language reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution

Meanwhile, however, Chinese leaders need to drop the throwback language of Mao Zedong and truly engage the West.

Tibet's China-appointed governor

Chinese leaders have seized on the violence in Tibet, the worst in 20 years, as another opportunity to vilify the Dalai Lama, whom they regard as a dangerous "splittist". The Dalai Lama has employed some incendiary language of his own, but has also repeatedly called for peace in the region and made a point of supporting the Beijing Olympics despite the crackdown.

Beijing has also gone out of its way to underscore factual errors committed by Western news organizations, including the BBC, CNN, Fox News and the Washington Post.


Indeed, the official Beijing line on the Tibet story involves two putative conspiracies, one propagated by the immoral "Dalai clique" pushing for an independent Tibet and the other supported by Western governments and media who want to sabotage the Olympics.

Western media executives also complain about the news blackout imposed by the Chinese government on the story, which they claim has made such errors almost inevitable. If Chinese leaders want accurate reporting, they say, then let the international press in and show them what is really happening.

Beijing has responded by organizing a tour of Lhasa for a dozen overseas news organizations, most of which are located in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

If you are running for president in the US during a Chinese crackdown on anything - from democracy advocates to separatists to Falungong worshippers - the script is the same, no matter your party: stern condemnation is required.





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