
主题:Gary Gygax gone... -- squaer

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家园 Gary Gygax gone...

龙与地下城创始人Gary Gygax于08年3月4日早,豁免检定败,HP过低,败于家中,享年69岁...

Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax dies at 69

Associated Press - March 4, 2008 1:35 PM ET

MILWAUKEE (AP) - The man who co-created the game Dungeons & Dragons and helped start the role-playing phenomenon is dead.

Gary Gygax (GEYE'-gaks) died this morning at his home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, about 55 miles southwest of Milwaukee.

His wife, Gail Gygax, says he had been suffering from health problems for several years, including an abdominal aneurysm.

Gygax and co-creator Dave Arneson developed the role-playing game in 1974 and it went on to become 1 of the best-selling games ever. Dungeons & Dragons is considered the grandfather of fantasy role-playing games and has influenced video games, books, movies and inspired legions of adoring fans.

Gygax' wife says he always enjoyed hearing from the game's devoted fans about how the game influenced their lives.



家园 赶快派个牧师!

得要是高阶,能够施展复活术的,要么能够施展Animate Dead也凑乎啊~~

家园 或者直接向Kelemvor请求复活...
家园 也许该转巫妖?
家园 弄不好已经转了……


家园 转dracolich


家园 没错


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