
主题:Harry Potter 7 -- 四不像5

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家园 Harry Potter 7

刚才晚上7点一过,小朋友从中国打来了电话,兴奋的说, 刚刚在外文书店买到了。

我家小朋友是harry potter粉丝,当然第一时间去买了,已经等不及回来拿我在美国这边儿帮她预定的了。




At midnight, like magic, Harry Potter appeared.

Shops throughout the world were putting the book on sale at the same time - a minute past midnight British time (7:01 p.m. Friday). Readers in the United States have to wait until midnight strikes in each time zone, from 12:01 a.m. EDT Saturday.

家园 这么快?这里还是20号呢


家园 要不我给你问问



家园 盗版的说在正式版本到书店前就已经出来了
家园 坚决不买海盗版


家园 算了,怕知道了伤心




家园 哈哈,据说加国一个小孩已经下载了全本
家园 我的女兒都是粉絲



家园 我儿子也刚去Barnes & Noble凑热闹


家园 今天新闻里也在说这个事情

欧美的Harry Potter粉丝们都要在12点准时买到,然后闭门夜读,不听不看电视、网络,以免spoil。

家园 哈利伯特电影5倒是很让我失望了一下



家园 我还准备去看呢
家园 采薇的小朋友多大了?也是哈迷啊?


昨天下午同学过生日,邀请她一起去电影院看了《凤凰令》,下周一她们小学毕业班的Day Trip,也是去看电影,还要再看一遍。

但说实话,看哈利波特对她尽快地熟悉语言,融进小朋友的圈子里非常有好处。她的老师就说她的阅读对她帮助很大。来英国一年就考中学,结果考上了一个很好的Grammar School,前不久毕业考试(Stage 2),考了全5分,老师跟我说:you must be proud of her.



家园 嘿嘿, 偶也是harry potter粉丝
家园 哈里波特粉丝的一份作业

我家小朋友大概是2年级的时候开始读harry potter,非常着迷。

去年她上的program是要求每个月就有一个project,而且要选定主题。小朋友选的是英国主题,做了两个关于harry potter的project,一个是写了一个独幕剧,然后表演,另外一个是一篇"The World of Spells, Potions and Charms".


The Beautifying Potion

The ingredients are: a hair of a wizard, the snot from a hippogriff, the ashes of anything burnt by a Hungarian Horntail, a drop of blood from a wizard, and a feather from a Phoenix. (These items are provided in every wizarding school in Europe.) You have to drink one tablespoon of this potion every hour.

Poem-Reciting Potion

This potion is specifically made for reciting love poems for your true love. Here are the ingredients for the potion: A poem from a book that you want to recite, red berries, a lock of a girl’s hair and a drop of a boy’s spit. Here are the instructions: First get a cauldron with 1 gallon of boiling water. Then you stir it once. Drop the berries in a heart shape into the water. Drop the poem in the middle of the cauldron. Put the lock of hair in the left side of the cauldron. Put the spit in the right side of the cauldron. Now you have 2 choices. Either you drink the potion and hang upside-down for precisely 52 seconds or you can pour the whole potion on your head. Either way, you have to do it with 1 pint of the potion and you can make your true love like you back.

The Earthquake Banishing Spell

This spell by far is the most complicated. It takes brains and bravery to banish an earthquake. You concentrate on the earthquake hard. You point your wand straight at the earthquake. You spin your wand counterclockwise and scream at the top of your lungs banishio earthquakus!

The Tornado-Freezing Spell

This spell takes concentration. The tornado-freezing spell is only temporary so you have to destroy it before the ice melts. To freeze the tornado, you point your wand at the crack and say freezio. After you freeze it, you have to destroy it. To destroy it, you point your wand at a chunk of ice and say destrio. You keep doing that until the tornado is all gone.

The Homework Helpers Spell

Are you that kind of person that doesn’t like doing homework or just don’t get it? If you are, why spend all your time trying to find a tutor? The Homework Helpers spell is here to help you. All you have to do is tap your head twice, spin around once, and say homeworkus helpio. After that, you will see your own personal teacher standing in the room. This is not cheating. She or he will act like all teachers do and not tell you the answers in any way possible.

The Peace Spell

This spell can bring peace into the world. All you have to say is peacus. Wave your wand in a clockwise circle. Then the world will be peaceful forever.

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