
主题:请河里的牛人们看看这个东西值不值得去 -- 喜欢喝冰茶

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家园 请河里的牛人们看看这个东西值不值得去

Free Honda Checkup


家园 No way near 牛人, but

can't keep my mouth shut.

For anyone who's offering this service, the ultimate goal is to get you to fix things they found need repair at their shop. So if your car is still under bumper to bumper warranty, go for it. If not, get their estimate and find a second opinion.

BTW, thanks for sharing this information with us.

家园 多谢,偶就是觉得要不要去看看


这个bumper to bumper warranty是那个跟车来的吗?偶的是extended的,还在里面,不过好像Honda的warranty没什么太大用,消耗件儿还得自己花钱,除非engine死了,这不跟废了差不多了。

据说Nissan这个月还有一百点儿free check呢。

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