
主题:【注意】三年免费Webhosting,500MB space, 5x ftp, 5000MB/mo. -- 北村

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  • 家园 【注意】三年免费Webhosting,500MB space, 5x ftp, 5000MB/mo.

    Offer is on the main page.

    [URL]http://www.1and1.com [/URL]

    The October 2003 issue of Business 2.0 has a two-page ad at pages 6-7 for 1and1.com. The ad offers 3 years of hosting (500MB space, 5x ftp, 5000MB/mo. traffic, 50 POP3 accounts, webmail, chats, forums, NetObjects Fusion 7.0, search-engine registration, 50 subdomains) free, without any contractual obligations, no credit card required (according to the ad). The ad states domain registrations or transfers are $5.99/year. There's not any coupon code -- just a link to the site www.1and1.com and a note that the offer expires 12/31/03.

    The Following Features Are All Included:


    500 MB web space

    5,000 MB/month traffic ($.99 per GB for additional traffic)

    No limits on simultaneous hits/bandwidth

    Protected by firewall

    Continuous backups of your website

    99.9% Uptime guarantee

    Website features:

    Advanced live site statistics, log files, ready-to-run CGI-library, own CGI programming (Perl, Python), FrontPage 2002 extensions

    Advanced Password Protection

    5 FTP accounts

    PHP3 & PHP4


    Proxy SSL Secure Server

    Cron Jobs

    SSH Secure Shell Access

    Advanced Developer Tools



    Newsletter Tool

    One-on-one online dialogue

    Turn-key web database applications



    Domain names:

    Register or transfer .com/.net/.org/.info for just $5.99/year

    50 subdomains (e.g., shop.yourDomain.com)

    Point up to 100 external domain names to 1&1


    Hosted on I/O optimized own 1&1 Linux version

    Free template loaded online WebsiteCreator

    Free full version of Fusion 7, search engine registration, ranking, optimization

    Total software worth $300

    1&1 Control Panel

    E-mail handling:

    50 POP3 e-mail accounts (50 MB each)

    Catch-all e-mail addresses

    Auto-responders, unlimited forwarding.

    1&1 Advanced WebMail

    Symantec virus scanner


    1&1 Express support by e-mail

    我打算sign up,有些人试了,看不出哪有陷阱。

    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 宁子加的精?我不知广告有什么加精的理由,虽然是服务大众。
      • 家园 我觉得里面提供信息蛮好的,我正想找一个免费的来放我的藏品跟大家分享



    • 家园 以后收钱咋办?
    • 家园 如果家里已有宽带,何必委身于人呢?家用宽带唯一的问题就是动态IP,

      现在网上有许多软件帮你实时映射动态IP和你的域名。不是很麻烦。如果你用的是Windows 2000, Windows XP pro或是Windows 2003, 那web, ftp,smtp, pop3都已经齐活了,你就Ready to go了。


    • 家园 我还是觉得象天上掉陷阱
    • 家园 我拿到域名了,除了你的电话,email要真的外,其他都可用假的

      关键是不用信用卡。过程挺简单的,在网站上注册,然后会很快得到一个确认邮件,在邮件里点确认连接后,在出来的网页上会被要求输入电话。submitt后,过5分钟会有一个自动电话打过来,告诉你一个4位数的密码。把密码输入刚才出来的网页上,然后就等另一个电子邮件。时间要长一些,不过不会超过一小时。邮件来后,里面有你的ID和密码。点击邮件里的连接,然后输入你的ID和密码,你会得到一个域名。我的是s87005239.onlinehome.us 。网站上说要用12-36小时去申请域名。其实几个小时就成了。具体多长我不知道,我出去混饭吃,回来就好了。不过我瞎鼓捣了几下,不知为什麽又要重新申请。本想show 一下带我名字的网页作为见证,看来是来不及了。可以说没有风险,最差最差就是多些垃圾电话和垃圾邮件。建议用个专门接收垃圾邮件的hotmail或yahoo email。基本上一个电话号码注册一个账号,你要想要多,就把工作,学校,手机电话用上。但千万要当时守着电话,得到密码。以下是从网站FAQ上摘录的:

      How can you pay for this promotion?

      Cutting our advertising budget allows us to use the money to pay for the promotion. Less ads and the maximum use of grassroots word?Cof-mouth movement is our objective. We’re not worried about losing our shirt because, as the biggest web host in the world, we’re profitable, stable, and have been in this business for over a decade. Also, we control the entire value chain so we can buy servers, routers, connectivity, and bandwidth in bulk and that benefit is passed on to you.

      Why are you giving away a Professional Hosting Plan for free?

      Our advertising agency asked us the same question! This is what we told them. We’ve been providing service to top US companies for years. So, when we wanted to expand to the end-user market, we decided to go with an offer only a global leader like ourselves could make. To show our confidence that at the end of the 3 years, you’ll be so impressed with our service that you’ll continue to work with us, and even recommend us to others. In other words, we’ve decided to invest more in you and less in our ad agency. Granted, this wasn’t the answer they were looking for, but we don’t exist to please them. We exist to please you.

      Where is my website hosted?

      Your site will be hosted in our Data Center in New York. In total, we own 2 and operate 4 Data Centers in the USA and Europe.

      Please see Data Center and Connectivity in the About Us section for all details.

      What are the obligations and commitments? Can I cancel anytime?

      There are no obligations. You may cancel your account anytime. Unless you want to register domain names or you wish to add additional services, we even won’t ask you for a credit card.

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