
主题:【原创】想把省油发挥到极致吗?那就买个柴油车吧! -- Highway

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    • 家园 好。欧洲为啥汽油贵?
      • 家园 欧洲,日本,香港的燃油价格都很高。我认为是政策造成的。因为



        In Europe and Japan, taxes are a larger component of gasoline prices than all other factors combined. 
        ? Fully $3.40 in taxes is built into Great Britain's $4.71 per gallon price -- while $2.82 in taxes adds to a total of $4.07 per gallon in France. 
        ? Italians pay the equivalent of $3.97 per gallon -- including $2.53 in taxes. 
        ? Germans pay $2.56 to the state every time they purchase a gallon at $3.91. 
        ? In Japan, a gallon costs the equivalent of $3.77 -- including $2.07 in taxes.
        By contrast, taxes add an average of 39 cents to a $1.25 gallon of gas -- selling for a total of $1.64 in the U.S.

    • 家园 the lexus, you put in there, if it is a hybrid SUV? might

      be really slow then, i guess.


      • 家园 It is a real Hybrid SUV. It's not slow,

        at least it's faster than standard gas-only RX330. It has a 3.3 Liter Gas engine + 3 electric motor. The overall horsepower is much higher.



        268-hp Total Output

        The RX 400h possesses exceptional power―not just for a hybrid vehicle, but for an SUV as well. That’s because the RX 400h is powered by both the V6 engine and electric-drive motors. As a result, it enjoys a robust acceleration from 0 to 60 in 7.3 seconds, outperforming many of its V8-equipped competitors.

        • 家园 thanks




          drink a little/dream a little

          smile a little/miss a little

          hum a little/play a little

          read a little/write a little

          of sweet summer night

          then, happier a little/brighter a little : )

          i like soho : )

          nice weekend

          --CD : )

    • 家园 好文章!


      • 家园 有日子没见你露面了,怎么样,儿子还好吗?



        • 家园 是啊,整日里玩命工作养家糊口

          上周在香港见到一辆Toyota Prius。去年曾经听说Toyota的高层有要和中方谈在国内推Prius的打算。近来两国关系紧张,可能这也就不了了之了。

          • 家园 Toyota Prius在美国卖的巨火,尤其是加州,定了货要等好几个月才行。

            讲价钱那就甭想了,Dealer卖的价格比厂家订的MSRP还高,加了一层所谓的Market Adjustment。

            不过Prius和以前的Honda Insight一样,有些太前卫了,不太像一辆真正的"CAR".并且在Highway上不好“取巧”,并且小发动机显得有些吃力了。



    • 家园 这个要赞叹一下



      所以呀,咱们把这个柴油车的概念拿小本本记下先 -- 十年之后,如果你的小本本还在的话,拿出来,给敌乐念上一段highway语录 -- 眼见,还是先找性价比最优的hybrid吧...

      b.t.w. 丰田highlander 2006也变成hybrid了,hoho

      • 家园 是,我的下一辆车就打算买hybrid的
      • 家园 Hybrid是好,但抵制日货就难了!

        TOYOTA马上就要提供Camry Hybrid了,Honda Accord专美的日子马上就要结束了。

        GEORGETOWN, Ky., May 17, 2005; Toyota Motor Manufacturing North America (TMMNA) today announced the company's first North American gas-electric hybrid production will be at its Georgetown, Ky., plant - Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. (TMMK) - when production of a Camry hybrid begins in late 2006.
        TMMK will have the capacity to build approximately 48,000 Camry hybrid vehicles per year. The addition of hybrid production to TMMK will include a $10 million investment in the plant.
    • 家园 献花!!我家那位一直就想开坦克,这下美梦可以成真了
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