
主题:颤抖吧,孱弱的人类,半人马座恒星被黑暗打击 -- 三力思

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  • 家园 颤抖吧,孱弱的人类,半人马座恒星被黑暗打击

    3/24/17 离太阳系4.2光年的Proxima Centauri,半人马星系, 恒星发生巨变, 10秒钟光强增加1000倍. 在其生命适合圈的行星Proxima b 自然经历了行星灭绝性的天文事件. 让我们为五年前灭绝的外星文明和生命默哀3分钟. 今夜,我们都是半人马星人。

    Powerful Flare from Star Proxima Centauri Detected with ALMA

    That is because its sun, Proxima Centauri, got 1,000 times brighter than normal for about 10 seconds on March 24, 2017. And most likely, that means a massive solar flare. So 4,000 times the radiation Earth usually gets from the Sun blasted out all at once at this little planet. As one of the scientists told Science News, that means that the planet is likely not in the best shape.

    关键词(Tags): #黑暗森林#三体通宝推:北纬42度,
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