
主题:【求助】在美国拿最低薪酬要缴税么? -- 小楼春雨

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  • 家园 【求助】在美国拿最低薪酬要缴税么?

    目前最低薪酬貌似是9$/H,假设是full time job


    • 家园 正常情况下,你工作,雇主给你支票,到你手时候,



    • 家园 基本不交,还可以倒拿

      联邦标准的最低薪酬还是 $7.25。 各个州不一样,最高的Washington州也才 $9.32。 拿这种工资的一般是小时工,除了这点钱外,没有其他如医疗一类的福利。

      如果只按这个联邦最低薪酬拿,每月才7.25*40*4=1160美元.一年玩命不休假也就7.25*40*52=15080。这个收入的话,每年报税时差不多可以倒拿,因为有 Earned Income Tax Credit。 单身无娃的话,只要修几天假,把工资降低到$14,340,又是公民,没有其他收入的话,2013 Tax Year的EITC是$487。如果有娃的话,除了EITC,还有Child Tax Credit拿。美帝社会主义就是好


      Earned Income and adjusted gross income (AGI) must each be less than:

      $46,227 ($51,567 married filing jointly) with three or more qualifying children

      $43,038 ($48,378 married filing jointly) with two qualifying children

      $37,870 ($43,210 married filing jointly) with one qualifying child

      $14,340 ($19,680 married filing jointly) with no qualifying children

      Tax Year 2013 maximum credit:

      $6,044 with three or more qualifying children

      $5,372 with two qualifying children

      $3,250 with one qualifying child

      $487 with no qualifying children

      Investment income must be $3,300 or less for the year.


      The Child Tax Credit is an important tax credit that may be worth as much as $1,000 per qualifying child depending upon your income. Here are 10 important facts from the IRS about this credit and how it may benefit your family.

      Amount - With the Child Tax Credit, you may be able to reduce your federal income tax by up to $1,000 for each qualifying child under the age of 17.

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