
主题:【原创】为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言(上) -- 冷酷的哲学

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                          • 家园 标量波动方程=basically均匀介质 model

                            1. 均匀介质波场效应, with a little bit 非均匀 here and there, 微擾 etc, but overall and largely still a single 特征值 brain, and such brain always 退化, spending energy with no positive return







                            What is the time-invariant Schroedinger wave equation, and how does it apply to quantum mechanics?

                            Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

                            The three-dimensional time-independent Schrodinger wave equation is:

                            2M(U - E)ψ/ = ψ/x + ψ/y + ψ/z

                            where M is mass, U is potential energy, E is total, is planck's reduced constant, and ψ=ψ(x,y,z)

                            This equation is really the foundation of quantum mechanics, in that it describes the wave functions of particles, and helped physicists to better understand the quantization of energy levels in an atom.



                            "where M is mass"

                            M here is non-sr,非相对论M (basically no evil 輻射 or sr type of 輻射) , so "time" is not an real dimension or variable for us to worry about, and that is why 标量波动方程,时间, t, basically can be 从方程中消掉

                        • 家园 我不懂,粗读时有点印象,胡说一句,


                      • 家园 nua:"一个爱因斯坦和玻尔都有的成见"


                        我是觉得好像甚至不是搜索, [ 桥上 ]


                        a few pages out of that book, I had that impression too




                        成见 =一种物质体系是有稳定的能级, such as the individual and conventional brain type for most of us

                        "爱因斯坦虽然在1916年就提出受激辐射概念,但是他并没有仔细考虑瞬间受激辐射能否发生. 加上当时没有一种物质体系是有稳定的能级翻转,因为稳定的能级翻转是违背热力学波尔兹曼定律的.因此,连玻尔这样的大家也会脱口而出”BUT THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE”.

                        一个爱因斯坦和玻尔都有的成见 [ nua ] 于:2012-02-11 17:15:05 复:3663713

                        a very good post, thanks to nua.


                        my post:

                        handicapped by our classical 标量波动方程 in the brain



                        individual brain 波动=换汤不换药, 路徑積分原地打轉,熱效應, white noise, going no where, and most likely 倒退 because of energy consumption caused by 波动, most likely

                        all the said "nonlinear" individual brain is not real non linear,能譜限制, 经典力学禁戒, etc

                        6. different 大脑对接: 相对论效應, 量子效應 possible, what out!


                        the relativity factor gamma may blow out, gamma event, 光锥, etc



                        dirac 二次量子化:

                        電荷電磁場交互作用=光子能級躍遷的微擾=能級躍遷,光子數量的變化, even though 總體系統能量和動量守恆

                        量子場論,locally, you could get out of 经典力学禁戒:

                        top social scientist Bo slapped Mr wang on his face, and a classical 大脑对接: 相对论效應, 量子效應 event, not only for BO as an individual, it may have even changed china's 路徑積分;


                        other than those above situations, most individual brains are basically 黑體輻射 24*7, with little 波动 here and there, no productivity, no negative entropy gain, until no energy left=huge waste of human energy!


                        as such, human society as a whole has to rely on a very few top and lucky brains to innovate and to progress, with those brains themselves selected/upgraded/tested by a process combining try and error, 路徑積分, market, democracy, etc, and Europe and US think they have a "good" system to do that, etc, so far, US model is hard to challenge, still very productive.

                        goog/fb etc: they think their AI/information processing network can help, etc


                        tg's model: 先锋队+whatever works, top down leadership, so far so good, leading the developing world

                        india: 先锋队+god, top down mess


                        一个爱因斯坦和玻尔都有的成见, a very good post


                        但为什么很多物理学家,包括爱因斯坦都仅仅提出受激辐射,而没有提出激光的概念? 再比如说很多其他科学家,比如说玻尔在听了TOWNES有关MASER的概念时,就说”但这是不可能的”.


                        爱因斯坦虽然在1916年就提出受激辐射概念,但是他并没有仔细考虑瞬间受激辐射能否发生. 加上当时没有一种物质体系是有稳定的能级翻转,因为稳定的能级翻转是违背热力学波尔兹曼定律的.因此,连玻尔这样的大家也会脱口而出”BUT THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE”.

                        到了1954年,TOWNES发明MASER, 证明了能级翻转可以通过人为激发实现.但是他和SCHALOW又陷入了另一个成见 --- 就是这能级翻转必须连续稳定. SCHALOW之所以提出4能级激光概念, 并且对深红RUBY的4能级情有独钟也是因为这种成见--- 因为能级结合各能级间寿命的不同才能实现稳定能级翻转. 1960年,MAIMAN用RUBY的三能级结构用脉冲光导致激光发生, 证伪了这种成见. 但是人们仍然认为翻转能级需要一定的寿命,不然的话激光效率就很低,很难实现.

                        但是光学参量放大器的翻转能级寿命明显很短,可以说是零, 但是光学参量激光仍然可以高效率运行.而最近成熟的量子级连激光器, 翻转能级寿命只有不到皮秒, 远小于二极管激光的翻转能级寿命,但同样可以高效运转

                        本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
                        • 家园 語言=脑熱振盪時所輻射的出某特征值的正整數倍的能量

                          1. planck blackbody radiation

                          黑體輻射:黑體內粒子因為溫度而發生熱振盪時所產生的輻射波,振盪子, 輻射出的能量=某特征值的正整數倍

                          so, for most of us Chinese brains:

                          we have been brain washed by our Chinese culture at least 6K years, around some kind of system's "特征值":

                          we basically think and speak in terms of those "特征值": basically what those Chinese elite taught us in those 6k years, until about a hundred years ago, when 歐美特征值 breaks and gets inside the great china wall, starting 輻射 Chinese people brains;

                          of last 100 years, tg as a group has learned the best about what has changed and what has not changed, and all the tricks, making "good" shoes for the Chinese people, and most Chinese people are some kind of "ok" with tg, I think


                          with future qm computing power emerges out, goog/fb may actually be able to "see and model" everybody's mind,real time, to a certain degree;

                          and a goog glass connected to the cloud of the above model and data, mass marketed and mass produced, available and affordable for everybody to play class struggle game....

                          that may be a real challenge to any non-western political power such as tg, the 2nd breaking down of the great china wall, with global AI network powered and updated 歐美特征值 輻射 wave?

                  • 家园 《人工智能的未来》by the palm guy

                    I think 熊起 mentioned this book in his post somewhere, and thanks to 熊起;

                    I have not fully read it yet, just a few pages.

                    basically, the way I see AI's issue:


                    光子=information, with all kind of 能级


                    our brain, with many 突触 it has, is largely @low 能级, missing high 能级, missing information, models

                    I think the way our mind model developed is based on our vision experiences out of evolution, our vision=



                    it works in our daily newton type physical world;

                    in high 能级 science/technology/social world, that model is very often misleading.

                    傅立叶变换 is local, as an example;

                    google's 人工智能 glass may try to help general people/mass to see through 皇帝新衣, to have a more "fair" class struggle, kind of, I guess goog two guys have a long term plan in their way of changing the world as we know

                    陕西科技出版社最新引进美国图书《人工智能的未来》(On Intelligence)一书,是由杰夫霍金斯,一位在硅谷极其成功、受人尊敬的计算机工程师、企业家与桑德拉布拉克斯莉,《纽约日报》的栏目作家共同撰写。本书对人类大脑皮层所具有的知觉、认识、行为和智能功能新理论提出了新的理论构想。这一理论的独到之处在于对大脑皮层的现行认识提出了新的观点,对大脑的工作原理,即霍金斯称之为“真正智能”而非计算机式的人工智能立论扎实,观点独特、新颖,阐述精密。对大脑及其工作原理感兴趣的朋友不妨读读,必有收获。


                • 家园 证据是预测,但也许是试错,


                • 家园 关于记忆、模式的说法和我原有的概念不同,



                • 家园 联合区是最重要的,也是未知的。


                  • 家园 用“想”有些主观了


                • 家园 早在孩提时期,大脑皮层就分化成不同的



                • 家园 我感觉所谓自匹配记忆



                  • 家园 应该换个思路 从演化角度考虑


                • 家园 谢谢推荐,开始看人工智能的未来


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