
主题:【讨论】转载;践踏宪法,美国已成为军警国家 -- joyinjoy

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  • 家园 【讨论】转载;践踏宪法,美国已成为军警国家















    • 家园 最新消息:奥巴马已在国防授权法上签字

      HONOLULU (AP) — President Barack Obama signed a wide-ranging defense bill into law Saturday despite having "serious reservations" about provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists.

      The bill also applies penalties against Iran's central bank in an effort to hamper Tehran's ability to fund its nuclear enrichment program. The Obama administration is looking to soften the impact of those penalties because of concerns that they could lead to a spike in global oil prices or cause economic hardship on U.S. allies that import petroleum from Iran.

      In a statement accompanying his signature, the president chastised some lawmakers for what he contended was their attempts to use the bill to restrict the ability of counterterrorism officials to protect the country.

      Administration officials said Obama was only signing the measure because Congress made minimally acceptable changes that no longer challenged the president's terrorism-fighting ability.

      "Moving forward, my administration will interpret and implement the provisions described below in a manner that best preserves the flexibility on which our safety depends and upholds the values on which this country was founded," Obama said in the signing statement.

      Signing statements allow presidents to raise constitutional objections to circumvent Congress' intent. During his campaign for the White House, Obama criticized President George W. Bush's use of signing statements and promised to make his application of the tool more transparent.

      Obama's signature caps months of wrangling over how to handle captured terrorist suspects without violating Americans' constitutional rights. The White House initially threatened to veto the legislation but dropped the warning after Congress made last-minute changes.

      Among the changes the administration secured was striking a provision that would have eliminated executive branch authority to use civilian courts for trying terrorism cases against foreign nationals.

      The new law now requires military custody for any suspect who is a member of al-Qaida or "associated forces" and involved in planning or attempting to carry out an attack on the United States or its coalition partners. The president or a designated subordinate may waive the military custody requirement by certifying to Congress that such a move is in the interest of national security.

      The administration also pushed Congress to change a provision that would have denied U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism the right to trial and could have subjected them to indefinite detention. Lawmakers eventually dropped the military custody requirement for U.S. citizens or lawful U.S. residents.

      "My administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens," Obama said in the signing statement. "Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation."

      Despite the changes, officials cited serious concerns that the law will complicate and could harm the investigation of terrorism cases.

      For example, FBI Director Robert Mueller has said the measure would inhibit his bureau's ability to persuade suspected terrorists to cooperate immediately and provide critical intelligence. He told Congress it wasn't clear how agents should operate if they arrest someone covered by the military custody requirement but the nearest military facility is hundreds of miles (kilometers) away.

      Other officials have said agents and prosecutors should not have to spend their time worrying about citizenship status and whether to get a waiver while trying to thwart a terror attack.

      The administration also raised concerns about an amendment in the bill that goes after foreign financial institutions that do business with Iran's central bank, barring them from opening or maintaining correspondent operations in the United States. It would apply to foreign central banks only for transactions that involve the sale or purchase of petroleum or petroleum products.

      Officials worry that the penalties could lead to higher oil prices, damaging the U.S. economic recovery and hurting allies in Europe and Asia that purchase petroleum from Iran.

      The penalties do not go into effect for six months. The president can waive them for national security reasons or if the country with jurisdiction over the foreign financial institution has significantly reduced its purchases of Iranian oil.

      The State Department has said the U.S. was looking at how to put them in place in a way that maximized the pressure on Iran, but meant minimal disruption to the U.S. and its allies.

      This week, in response to the threatened penalties, Iran warned that it may disrupt traffic in the Strait of Hormuz — a vital Persian Gulf waterway. But on Saturday, Tehran seemed to back off that threat when a commander of its Revolutionary Guard, Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, said such discussion is a thing of the past and "belongs to five years ago." He said Iran had other, unspecified strategies for reacting to any Western aggression.

      Iran also said Saturday that it had proposed a new round of talks on its nuclear program with the U.S. and other world powers. The invitation would come after the U.N. has imposed four rounds of sanctions. Separately, the U.S. and the European Union have imposed their own tough economic and financial penalties.

      The $662 billion bill authorizes money for military personnel, weapons systems, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and national security programs in the Energy Department for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.

      The measure also freezes some $700 million in assistance until Pakistan comes up with a strategy to deal with improvised explosive devices.

      Obama signed the bill in Hawaii, where he is vacationing with his family.

    • 家园 V for Vendetta不是幻想片

      也不是讽刺(苏东亚)片, 而是一部关于西方自身的现实主义电影. 那个xx计划要用在欧洲的军管方案看来已经使用在MD自己身上了.

    • 家园 奥黑否决了么?
      • 家园 否决了,理由很操蛋:嫌权力还不够大!



        2011 12 07 的囧司徒每日秀,从6:30开始看


        • 家园 参院修改了法律,总统决定撤回


          2011-12-18 10:46:42英国卫报



          美国参议院以93票对7票的绝对优势通过新的”国防授权法案“(NDAA National Defense Authorization Act),允许美国军方在没有指控、没有审判的情况下,无限期(注意是无限期)拘捕任何美国公民;同时再次确认可以使用“坐水凳”以及其他“更先进”的虐囚方式。


            报道称,美国只有少数非主流媒体如“Business Insider”、《连线》杂志和《基督教科学箴言报》对法案提出了质疑,其他广播媒体则不愿意报道《国防授权法案》。“Business Insider”一名编辑日前向三大有线新闻网络的督制和主播发电邮,希望他们报道此事,但他们却没有任何人愿意挺身而出。










        • 家园 罗马历史上开启独裁先河的不是凯撒,而是苏拉。


        • 家园 竟然给删掉了,不知道这个视频是触犯那条天规了。
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