
主题:2nd wave of European trouble -- parishg

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  • 家园 2nd wave of European trouble

    Starting from this Tuesday, trouble from Italian gov. bonds have spread to the bonds of Netherlands, France, Belgium and Austria. Several eastern European nations have trouble in containing their national debt rate.

    The European "Titanic" is now full of holes: the blowout of Spanish gov. bond yield could be the newspaper headline at any moment, let alone the trouble from Italy and any probable new bombs from Greece.

    Thursday's U.S. stock market is quite interesting...

    • 家园 这位大哥,


    • 家园 兄弟们今天发财了吗? haha.
      • 家园 两个月过去,兄弟小有斩获!



        • 家园 you need to watch late Feb

          ECB action.

          Fed Reserve has run out of bullet and only thing it can say is: 0% interest rate for another one more year.

          ECB is now effectively doing QE now in the European market and its spillover effect lifts all equity market due to new liquidity injection into the global market (yes, carry trade is helping everyone).

          But ECB's approach has fundamental problem and can backfire in many unepxected ways.

          2012 is a technical trading year: you buy when the market is oversold and sell when everyone is too optimistic. Just take advantage of the swing.

          Volatility will be back sooner or late.

          • 家园 希腊暂时没事了



        • 家园 congratulations!

          Happy Year of Dragon!

      • 家园 汇报一下最近情况及思路




      • 家园 我亏了。


        • 家园 I am so shocked by your


          My first-floor message is clear: avoid stocks or even short stocks.

          I could not believe that you still long stocks when crisis is just emerging now...

          • 家园 hehe

            I didn't long or short any stocks, except for a penny stock, which I bought many years ago when it was not a penny stock :).

            My lost was in forex market.

            I just wonder what do you mean when you say

            Thursday's U.S. stock market is quite interesting...
            before the market was open. How the crisis in Euro zone will affect the US stock market? If the crisis goes down, will the US market goes down as well or go the opposite?

          • 家园 现在我们都是债券交易者


        • 家园 好像欧元兑美元和美国股市有比较强的正相关

          当然最近这些日子应该又是美元流动性稀缺的时候了,刚看到一句话:有钱的时候买金子避险,没钱的时候卖金子攒钱。另外,1 month libor从八月份开始涨了1/3。但是我又觉得金子和流动性没有必然的联系,至少1 month LIBOR年初相对比较紧张的时候金子也在上升,也许和利比亚有关?

      • 家园 讲讲今天interesting的地方?


        个人现在觉得市场已经又是阴谋,又是阳谋,够乱,听说Paulson liquid了1/3的金子仓位,不知真假了。

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