
主题:某正建造航母的大国,你民主了吗? -- 老科学的家

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    • 家园 我好像已经上钩了。


    • 家园 【原创】虽然是钓鱼,还是有些感慨







      Thomas Friedman最新的一篇文章值得推荐:


    • 家园 闲的蛋疼,准备翻译这篇文章钓外国鱼,大家提提意见

      aircraft carrier VS. unrest society

      Recently, one of the world leading powers are speedily building a emblematic aircraft carrierin a northern city.

      Even if it may sink into an awkward predicament with no available Carrier-based planes after the constuction is fulfilled, still nothing can prevent it from becoming an emblem of this leading power.

      This leading power has a lot more emblems, including a once-powerful-and-prosperous empire, its unique tea culture, its language once contibuted greatly to many other countries, its beautiful psalms, it being twice winner of two world wars, etc. Further more it's a permanent member state of UN Security Council.

      This country deserves being proud of, because when it reached its peak, the now-No.1 United States was still a wild land.

      But now, the people of this leading power has to spare no efforts to pay the bills of American consumers. This country has bought tons of American debts, and as the Economist says,"every citizen of this country has to pay 4757 Dollars for Americans' unscrupulous consumption."

      Though this country styles itself as a great power, many people consider whether this country, which is not largely unified and solidarized, is qualified to be a great power---in some sport events, different parts of this country compete under different banners.

      But this country delivers many black stories under it glossy surface.

      While the aircraft carrier is under construction, its stabilisation authorities are oppressed with great pressure due to the serious riots. They dispel the rallies, and even are plotting to cutting some internet sites through which people express their dissatisfaction.

      As Vancouver Sun comments on the 10th, the society of this country is in "pathosis"

      A french commentator told BBC bluntly, this country has a "most inequal society".

      The American magazine Foreign Policy said, the present rallies can remind people of what happened not long ago. The history is repeating itself.

      Some state leaders indicates, this country shall face it domestic conflicts squarely, and give their people full respect. they interrogates, "What country should treat its people like this?"

      Speedily construction of aircraft carrier VS. increasingly unrest society.

      What good can an aircraft carrier do to a unstable country?

      • 家园 建议(CNN版)

        A Carrier of Civil unrest

        Recently, one of the world leading powers is building an iconic aircraft carrier in one of its northern port. This project is to be yet another symbol of said country's self-perceived world dominance, even though the carrier faces the weird predicament of having no plane to carry upon completion.

        This latest symbol will be in keeping with a long line of such symbols this country has accumulated from its imperial past, among which are its unique tea culture, its literature achievement, its influential language and characters.

        Indeed, this ancient culture has a lot to be proud of: it had won both world wars and had earned a permenant seat at the united nation's security council. Furthermore, it was already the epitome of human civilization before the current superpower, the USA, was conceived as a nation.

        Yet, today, the people of this once proud civilization have to bear the debt of american consumer; as a prominent economist pointed out, as a nation who purchase a large amount of US debt, "every citizen of this country has to pay 4757 Dollars for Americans' unscrupulous consumption." (最好把原话放在这里)

        Although this country has been trying to style itself as a world power, many observers question its legitimacy, pointing out the fact that this nation is hardly unified; a good example of which would be different parts of said nation competing under different flags in certain sport event.

        Furthermore, the real story of this nation is much less glossy than the image it is desperately trying to hold up.

        Just as the aircraft carrier is being constructed, severe riots break out in major cities of the nation, threatening to destabilize the already fragile economic situation and forcing the authority to crack down on the rioters with brute force. Extreme measures including the censorship of certain social networking website were employed, denying basic human rights to its civilian.

        As the Vancouver sun so succinctly summarizes, the society of this country is in "pathosis".

        Such social unrest is not without cause. As a french commentator told the BBC, this country has one of the most "unequal society". As such, this leads to the nation facing constant civil unrest, and as the American publication Foreign Policy pointed out, it is merely history repeating itself.

        Some state leaders had urged the nation's leadership to address its social issue, as well as restore basic respects to its citizenry. One of them even quipped, "Who would treat their own people like that?"

        Is a new, shiny military icon worth the social cost to the country? For the sake of humanity, we hope the leadership of this nation do not wait to find out the hard way.

      • 家园 跟大家汇报一下钓鱼结果,6条。唉,我这个人就是保不住密


        1 老兄,你的问题很傻(指英文版最后的问题)。外部冲突是个安全阀,减轻内部压力。

        2 老兄,中国没有赢得两次大战。

        3 (这个人很聪明)中国如果不是最大的龙门吊生产国,也是其中之一,脸红了吧?

        4 美国是债务国,所以美国得还每个中国人4757元

        5 再过十年,美元贬到和人民币等值,钱就很好还了。

        6 不错,美国欠中国的债和你欠银行的债不一样。过去100年欠债累累的国家现在的gdp都在前10。欠债不是死刑判决,不会让你成为债务奴隶。






        • 家园 有趣,外国鱼比中国鱼聪明.
        • 家园 求围观地址
          • 家园 不好意思,这个讨论区只有注册登录才能浏览和发言···



            I would infer that you meant China due to the following:


            no available Carrier-based planes

            Well, Britain has Harriers and Sea Harriers.


            this leading power lacks the technique to manufacture one of the most important facility, the gantry cran

            This applies neither to China nor Britain. Maybe you're confused.


            every citizen of this country has to pay 4757 Dollars for Americans' unscrupulous consumption.

            This sounds suspiciously like China. This is a board to discuss issues in China, so if it's not the country you're referring to, it has no place on this board.


            increasingly unrest society


            one of the world leading powers are speedily building


            one of the most important facility


            permanent member state of UN Security Council


            its stabilisation authorities are oppressed with great pressure

            This is just pathetically poor English, but it may be good Chinglish. I hope for the sake of everyone you are not trying to be an English teacher.

            Before you start trying to be the wise guy, I'd suggest you check facts, the suitability of posts, basic concepts of sea power, and fundamentals of English grammar and semantics. Do you even know the difference between a rally and a riot?


      • 家园 感谢:作者获得通宝一枚。
      • 家园 请汇报一下钓鱼成绩,好吗?
      • 家园 一定要加上龙门吊

        Even if it may sink into an awkward predicament with no available Carrier-based planes after the constuction is fulfilled, still nothing can prevent it from becoming an emblem of this leading power.
        Further more, it lacks the technique to manufacture one of the most important facility, the gantry crane, and has to import it with high price.

      • 家园 花,您果然有闲,建议去那些媒体的网站把引用的原文查到
    • 家园 花,太逗了,今天刚在凯迪上围观完钓上来的400多条鱼……




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