
主题:【原创】数字来说话--为子玉兄的美元理论做注解 -- 种植园土

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        • 家园 他已经说了他的屁股在哪里,不需要争论了。
        • 家园 thumbs up. 中国因素在于实质性地改变了工业国和



          You are absolutely right. China factor is the true reason behind the shift of power from manufacturing nations to raw material providers.

          But two points,

          1. China needs to ask itself whether its current strategy is smart given it is a rising industrialized nation itself. China has squeezed its own environment, natural resources, its own cheap labor to extreme. China wants to continue like that?

          It wants to be a second America, consuming oil 20m barrel a day and leaving its key national interest to the mercy of mid-easters???

          You know this much better than I do. Do you trust those mid-eastern muslims?


          2. 原料国会纷纷崛起--no, they will only have temporary bubbles. Because they fail to utilize the money to cultivate a sophisticated labor force and an efficient political infrastructure. When resource price collapse, they went back to the stone age just as where THEY CAME FROM 10 YEARS AGO.


          In the last two hundred years, very few 原料国 converted itself into a mature advanced nation. Canada is one exception, but it has US industrial investment and British political system as foundation. "advanced nation" is not measured by GDP/per capita--it is determined by a multitude of factors. Based on pure GDP/per capita, Saudi should be the most advanced nation in the world.

          But it is not. So are many many African/Latin American nations. Majority of them squandered all their easily-gotten wealth.


          For risk-averse rich men from China, most fled States, Canada, UK, Australia and European nations. Your own choice for your family/kids has shown your judgment. So do I.

          原料国会纷纷崛起--Brazil will have big trouble soon.

          We only see their party time for 10 years.

          History is not linear and will not extrapolate forward for the next 10 years.

          3. (1)记得两本书:一是the rise and fall of great powers (保罗肯尼迪《大国的兴衰》;二是the decline and fall of roman empire。

          过度扩张--政府财政衰败--势力范围收缩--加剧衰败是帝国下降时期的典型症状。very true.

          a. Romans suffered from civil war and barbarian invasion. It was two key sources of fiscal problems. Not for America. Hispanic was constrained in west states.

          b. From a technical perspective, US' fiscal resource has not been fully explored. America's tax/GDP ratio is only 19%. Most advanced nations are already easily 2x that level.


          --Agree. But we need to first identify peak.


          --华尔街 is a two-sided sword. Without Wall Street, Americans would not even have their first railway, first waterway... America would have just been a backwater natural resource provider inside the British empire.


          Wall Street has been the trouble makers many times. Last time was 1929. When it WAS NOT WELL-REGULATED, its dark side overshadowed its positive effect and it is an evil force for destruction. That's the lesson to learn. That's why we need SEC and Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.

          Without an efficient capital market, America would not be an innovation leader and there would be no rise of America in 1980s and 1990s again. There would be no Google, no Apple, no Microsoft...

          YOU ARE SELECTIVELY READING HISTORY for your own argument.


          --no, the dry-up of innovation is the 衰落的起点。Technology lost value fast. 100 years ago, car making was cool and hot tech, but who viewed it today in this way?

          1929 bubble was driven by the booming of radio technology.

          --yes. I am not kidding. Radio is now junky tech...

          SOURCE OF VITALITY COMES FROM CONTINUOUS INNOVATION AND GENERATION OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES, NOT safeguarding of old tech. That's why America can renaissance in 1980s, but UK can not even after WWI.

          (4)美帝做不到千秋万代一统江湖--fully agree.

          And it will contract for sure. And many Americans want it to do so too. Costs have overgrown benefits.

          Our starting point of debate is the trashing of USD.

          I think we have deviated from our starting point. And you hold certain sets of beliefs and selectively put data there.

          My point is clear:

          1. inflation is a global issue;

          2. mild inflation could adjust the USD system without bankrupting it;

          3. Zi Yu is bluffing about something that will not happen and he lacks technical knowhows in finance field;

          4. A big storm is sure to hit Europe. It will bring down emerging market too.

          5. technical details are as important as big picture views. Make sure we use the right statistics. Do not blah blah with billions of debt. The key stat is debt service ratio and debt/GDP ratio.

          THE WORLD IS NOT LINEAR AND WE DO NOT HAVE CRYSTAL BALLS. Under crisis, anglo-saxons will adjust their nations and they are now the most flexible nations in the world.

          10 years later, we will laugh at our debate here on this forum--maybe both of us are wrong or we both are right on certain points.

          I put my ass and wealth firmly in North America, or jokingly, put my money where my mouth is. I share those quotes from blah blah with you.






          • 家园 一个小问题

            “tax/GDP ratio is only 19%”


            算上州和地方,上 30%了


            • 家园 I think so

              It is based on a study by The Economist.

              It is easier for OECD and the Economist to get Federal gov. data. Local(state/county/city) data are difficult to collect.

              Many European nations also have both federal tax and local taxes. I know property tax is almost always a local tax (province/state).

              • 家园 州和地方政府的税在这里有


                • 家园 thanks!

                  this forum becomes more constructive with posts from you.

                  We all learn from each other.

                  US have one of the best national statistic system. In some European nations, lots of local tax data info is never easy to access or collect. That's a lesson I learned from my classmates back in Europe.

                  • 家园 呵呵,您太客气啦



          • 家园 西方财经精英看法。呵呵,拭目以待看现实怎么UNFOLD.
          • 家园 强烈支持兄台观点



            所以,把中国big bang掉,对于新技术和生产力的发展是好事。


            • 家园 把中国big bang掉 is not my


              I only predict that a big slow down for China. That's inevitable for a capitalism economy. China is actually a capitalism nation, of the pre-1900 type of capitalism.

              China has used its cheap labor to finish the 2nd stage of industrialization (first round happened in 1950s. We should thank Russians to help us establish a foundation). China has entered the big league of industrial nations, though still a junior partner.

              China should over time increase its manufacturing price or estabish mechanism to avoid excessive export price cut. Higher price will result in higher margin, BETTER LABOR wage, better life for average Chinese, more profit for next stage R&D and further elevation of China's economy and available resources for environmental cleanup.

              Today's China is like the capitalism jungle of UK in the 18th or 19th century: the destruction of environment is very severe and Chinese need to think carefully for the welfare of future generations.

              • 家园 中国big bang之日就是全世界大洗牌的时候



                中国真正要big bang的时候,那时候大家应该已经开始谈论中国怎么不可战胜,中国应该怎样统治世界,美国也应该出了一摞摞的书讨论怎么学习/投资中国。一个14亿人口的大国,big bang的时候怎么也得比当年美国那一亿人的经济爆炸更牛比吧。

            • 家园 实名投草。

              "所以,把中国big bang掉,对于新技术和生产力的发展是好事。"



          • 家园 不错!


            I think US stock is fine. As you said, European banks and sovereign debt will eventually bring down Euro, should the rick people move their money to Swiss or US for less risk? Chinese A stock will perform better. People are willing to do anything to get rich. There are still room to expand.

            Italy could be the tipping point.

            The second half of 2011 is sure to see a fast weakening US and global economy. Declining stock market is inevitable.

            In the European markets, almost every national market looks dangerous except Germany.

            Keep long position in China's A market is clearly stupid. China is experiencing a fast slow-down.


            It is funny to review some historical posts and some posts below my comment.

            As I said before, Euro is going to die. Simple. Period.

            Really tired of 大旗派...

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