
主题:2005 All Star扣篮节选,真牛叉,爽! -- 林木森森

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  • 家园 2005 All Star扣篮节选,真牛叉,爽!

    可惜没有Smith的第一个扣篮,模仿Dr.J从罚球线的经典扣篮Dr.J在1976,ABA上第一次dunk contect上首次创造了从罚球线上扣篮!在1984重演了1976的扣篮,经典!好像从罚球线上扣篮的后来除了MJ,没看见其他人了。

    1. Smith's over Martin


    2. Smith honors 'Nique'


    3. Smith 360


    • 家园 MJ 1988 dunk contest videos


      MJ lifts off on the baseline, leans sideway, and comes around with the right-handed windmill jam as he floats through the air.


      Jordan takes flight, brings the ball down between his legs and then up over his head for the two-handed reverse jam.


    • 家园 MJ 1987 Dunk Contest Videos.


      MJ lifts off, floats through the air sideways and brings the ball from his hip for the overhead, one-handed tomahawk rip.


      MJ lifts off from the free throw line, double-pumps while flying through the air and slams it down.


      Air Jordan lifts off, brings the ball down, around, and up with the right hand for the super slam en route to his first slam dunk title.


    • 家园 Dr. J and MJ 经典扣篮video!

      Dr.J 在1976 ABA上的扣篮,经典!!!


      MJ 1985:Air Jordan flies through the air, brings the ball around his body with the right hand and powers down the acrobatic slam in the Slam Dunk contest.


      Jordan does his Dr. J imitation, taking off from the free throw line for the flying jam, to start his own tradition


    • 家园 提出一些不同意见。从罚球线起跳扣篮NBA里有多个人作过。

      除了著名的Dr. J和MJ.

      当年在扣篮比赛上战胜Kobe的那个Brent Berry也作了这个动作(大Berry,现在在马刺队,他弟弟在火箭队)。这是历史上第一个白人做出这样的动作,所以赢得了Title.

      Vince Carter也是从罚球线起跳,不同的是他是双手灌蓝。不过呢,他的脚也还是踩线了。

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