
主题:【整理】企业解读案例:国光瓷业的一地鸡毛1 -- wqnsihs

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                                • 家园 以前我也是这么认识的


                                • 家园 that's why you need to live

                                  among them, learn their language, date their girls and THEN REALIZE CHINA SHOULD follow Anglo-Saxon nations,not the loser franco model: you should read Li Han Qiu's posts.

                                  MOST CHINESE ARE COMPLETELY FOOLED BY FRENCHMEN.


                                  Esp., the 大国崛起外交战略之法英争霸 series. The BEST OF THE BEST ON THIS FORUm. He or she is sometimes too 刻薄 in terms of wording, but among all the Chinese posts I have read, he is the only domestic Chinese WHO truly UNDERSTAND ANGLO-SAXON HISTORY AND CULTURES.

                                  It is sad that those kind of talents can not be fully utilized by China's official FOREIGN AFFAIRS Department. He reminds me of 魏源

                                  who wrote 海国图志

                                  while 在功名场中他是很不得意的。他一生的大部分时间是做幕客和从事写作。

                                  while his classmate 伊藤博文 was placed as the prime minister of Japan and masterminded the reform there.

                                  本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
                                • 家园 是的



                          • 家园 Could you provide us some

                            evidences about your judgment?


                            The provided evidences would be truly and sincerely appreciated... since I am partly interested in the corruption-related research topics.

                            • 家园 I am very surprised.


                              Way behind many other "civilized" nations, esp., those Germanic nations (Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Findland...)

                              Frenchmen have the reputation for being corrupted.

                              Google "chirac corruption case"

                              Google "2000 European commission collapse French commissioner"


                              The list is long. Many people in Europe know Frenchmen's bad reputation.

                        • 家园 法国电信是著名的负可敌国嘛


                    • 家园 印度是个典型


                      • 家园 前几年外逃的民营企业资金非常惊人,对国内实体企业


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