
主题:【求助】怎么将旧电脑的硬盘装到新电脑上 -- 巴山夜雨

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  • 家园 【求助】怎么将旧电脑的硬盘装到新电脑上

    我的旧desktop周末死掉了,一台好几年的机器,我也不想修它,重新买了台主机。旧机器操作希统是 Windows 2000, 有两个硬盘,其中装数据的盘是我自己后来装的,我历年来拍的几千张照片都在上面,想装到新机器上。但装上后新电脑(Windows XP Home Edition) 的“My Computer" 里显示不出有这个硬盘,但如果到 Device Manager里,却看见 Secondary IDE 上接了个硬盘。在启动时进入 Setup, 也可以看见 Slave IDE 上有盘。我怎么才能读出硬盘的内容呢?


    • 家园 could be just a drive letter problem

      right click "my computer", choose "manage", in that window, expand "storage" and select "disk management". you should see that old drive there, otherwise the bios parameters maybe wrong.

      if you see the old drive, make sure you assign a drive letter to it by right clicking on the partition.

    • 家园 会不会是这个原因

      您的XP HOME EDITION装的时候选了FAT32的文件格式,您的WIN2000硬盘用的是NTFS的格式,这样就读不了。

      • 家园 这倒有可能,有办法解决吗?
        • 家园 使用Convert Utility


          CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS

          Use the Windows XP convert tool: Go to Start | All Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt (or, from a Run box, type CMD) and, assuming you intend to convert C:, give the command:
          VOL C:
          Note the name of the disk in the first line, and the Volume Serial Number (for example, 3F4E-2D1B) in the second. Then type:
          CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS
          It will ask for that name in confirmation. Then it will ask two further questions. Reply Y each time to set up conversion to happen at the next boot, then restart the machine. (If you are converting a partition other than the operating system’s partition, you may find that it runs without rebooting.) After returning to Win XP, the hard disk will work for two or three minutes, tidying up. Leave things alone during this time.
          • 家园 多谢老轧


            • 家园 见者有份!

              照着Highway的方法没错,只是有点担心,不知道这XP HOME EDITION 是否支持NTFS,否则只能找套PROFESSIONAL 来装了。

              • 家园 Home Edition支持那个功能,不过我觉得



                • 家园 “只要硬盘没有损坏,总是有办法的”老轧这句话让我松了口气

                  刚搞的满头大汗,把旧硬盘拆了又装,装了又拆。新电脑在 Disk Management 里能检测到旧硬盘,但说是个“Foreign"盘,不能列出内容。右击时,有选项可以将它 Convert to Basic Disk,但又说这样会失去上面所有的数据。因为旧盘上没装操作系统,不能作为Master启动。这个这个,计将安出?



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