
主题:【文摘】CNN:中国警告 奥巴马 不要接见达赖 -- dolong

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  • 家园 【文摘】CNN:中国警告 奥巴马 不要接见达赖

    中国警告 奥巴马 不要接见达赖

    "It will seriously undermine the foundation of Sino-U.S. political relations," said Zhu Weiqun, a Communist Party official who is in charge of talks with representatives of the Dalai Lama. "We will take corresponding action to make relevant countries see their mistakes."


    • 家园 有意思,其他国家,估计正在盘算站队的事儿吧。
    • 家园 双方对着抽大嘴巴,看谁先服软。好看!
    • 家园 奥巴马公开讲话 称将更强硬对待人民币汇率问题



    • 家园 CNN:西藏、台湾和Google影响了中美关系。


      Challenge China's position on Taiwan and watch China go ballistic. When the United States last week announced plans to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan, China fired back with vitriolic anger. It's a "crude interference in China's domestic affairs," said He Yafei, vice minister of foreign affairs. It could "lead to repercussions that neither side wishes to see," he said. The same day, China suspended plans for military exchanges and threatened sanctions on American companies involved in the arms sales.

      China's angry response comes as no surprise. "The Chinese take this seriously," said Jim McGregor, senior adviser at APCO, a U.S. consulting company. "We're in a political season in China. People are jockeying for positions for a change in leadership a few years down the road, so I guess it makes the Taiwan issue even more sensitive."

    • 家园 白宫发言人说 Obama将要会见 达赖。

      白宫发言人说 Obama将要会见 达赖。

      President Obama intends to meet the Dalai Lama even though China has warned that such a meeting would harm bilateral ties, a White House spokesman said Tuesday.

    • 家园 火鸟台:美国白宫回应了,说是奥黑见老和尚是米国的国家利益


    • 家园 也有明白人-Pat Buchanan 老资格政论家的评论

      Bring Our Marines Home

      Link: http://buchanan.org/blog/bring-our-marines-home-3557

      A part of the article:

      Consider Taiwan. On his historic trip to Beijing in 1972, Richard Nixon agreed Taiwan was part of China. Jimmy Carter recognized Beijing as the sole legitimate government. Ronald Reagan committed us to cut back arms sales to Taiwan.

      Yet, last week, we announced a $6.4 billion weapons sale to an island we agree is a province of China. Beijing, whose power is a product of the trade deficits we have run, is enraged that we are arming the lost province she is trying to bring back to the motherland.

      Is it worth a clash with China to prevent Taiwan from assuming the same relationship to Beijing the British acceded to with Hong Kong? In tourism, trade, travel and investment, Taiwan is herself deepening her relationship with the mainland. Is it not time for us to cut the cord?

      With the exception of the Soviet Union, few nations in history have suffered such a relative decline in power and influence as the United States in the last decade. We are tied down in two wars, are universally disliked and are running back-to-back deficits of 10 percent of gross domestic product, as our debt is surging to 100 percent of GDP.

      A strategic retreat from Eurasia to our own continent and country is inevitable. Let it begin by graciously acceding to Japan’s request we remove our Marines from Okinawa and politely inquiring if they wish us to withdraw U.S. forces from the Home Islands, as well.

    • 家园 另一个美国人 -- 抵制中国货!

      Geckowise:DO NOT BUY CHINESE MADE PRODUCTS. Why many of us continue to boost China by buying there garbage is beyond me. Remember Wal-mart before Sam died and his kids sold out to China. It was Red, White, and Blue, made in the U.S.A. all the way. Start reading labels and please start buying products made in the U.S.A. whenever possible. Rebuild our economy, even if it's one small product at a time. It all helps. Cheers.


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