
主题:两个女生和一台二手电视机引来的game theory 和 auction 问题 -- Ready-Go

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  • 家园 两个女生和一台二手电视机引来的game theory 和 auction 问题

    这题目够晕吧,我起的 ,为什么起这么个名字,让朋友逼的,误交匪类呀,大家一定要吸取我的惨痛教训。













    我朋友,对,就是那匪类,看了这贴子特兴奋,完全是纳什当年挖掘纳什平衡的架式,昨天和我为这个 case 讨论一天,最后提出他的 ultimate solution,原文如下

    I have a very good solution for this problem from business game theory

    perspecitve. No 3rd party will be involved.

    I propose a Dutch auction for the TV between the 2 roommates A and B.

    The start bidding price will be $160 and each time the bidding price will be

    dropped, say $10, until someone take the TV.

    Let's suppose A eventually won the bid for $100.

    Then A need to pay $100 for the TV, and (160-100)/2=30 for the depreciation

    cost. A paid $80 dollars already when they purchased the TV. Therefore, A only

    need to pay 100+30-80=50 to B.

    B originally needs to pay (160-100)/2=30 for the depreciation cost.But since B

    has paid $80 when the TV was purchased. So she got back 80-30=50 from A.

    I believe this is the fairest solution. And any challenge will be welcome!

    我的这个朋友今天和我吵了一路,说他的解法是最公平的,我说不是,但我还没有经过计算,论据不足。他让我贴上,让大家帮他找出这个理论公平的论据,RG是请大家帮着找出推翻他的方法的理由。他要是有一天因为这个得了诺贝尔奖,分给找出理由的网友二分之一奖金,要不你们两个也来个 auction,dutch auction 还是 english auction 随便。

    许多事情以小见大,这位估计要从这个小 case 里建个模型发展出套管理学原理。昨天晚上我 min max 了半天也没给他弄出来,最后只好委曲求全,丧权辱国地承认他的办法最公平。否则我就没办法看书了。

    但是,本姑娘没理狡三分,为什么 dutch auction 就比 english auction 和 Vickrey Auction 合理,为什么 open bid 在这个 case 里就比 seal bid 强,推给他让他想破脑袋去

    • 家园 有个极大的漏洞!你的朋友太偏心,一定和B有一腿!





    • 家园 不太合理


    • 家园 不懂经济,但是感觉各位的成本计算有点问题



    • 家园 【送上鲜花一朵】

      • 家园 谢谢阿朱




    • 家园 A与B既有竞争,又有合作




    • 家园 My Opinion

      What is fair and what is unfair is a

      philosophical question, which depends

      on people's ideology and cannot be

      settled by game theory.

      What they are disputing her is that the

      joint utility derived from the TV by A

      and B decreases because B is leaving.

      Because the second-hand market is

      illiquid and transaction cost, they

      cannot return to their original state.

      Someone must bear this loss of value,

      the central question is how to divide

      this loss fairly.

      I can think of at least 2 ways to

      define fairness

      1. The loss of value is caused by B, so

      B should bear the whole cost.

      2. Everyone should bear equal share of

      the loss.

      Your second friend's argument that the

      Dutch Auction format is unfair is based

      on the second definition. Because B has

      to pay the transaction cost to sell the

      TV, and A has to pay transaction cost

      to buy the TV, the TV worths more to B

      to A. Therefore whatever auction format

      you choose, B will be better off than

      A, so it is unfair.

      Now on auction formats.

      1. Dutch auction is equevalant to first-

      price sealed bid.

      2. This auction game is highly

      irregular, if you want to model it


      (1). The bidder not only need to pay

      their bid, but also (160-x)/2, which

      depends on their bids. The Revenue

      Equvalence theorem breaks down. Assume

      it is a symmetric private value

      auction, (more on that later), and

      uniform distribution of types, denote V

      as valuation, you can prove the optimal

      strategy in Dutch auction is 3V/4

      (higher than the standard case which is

      V/2), while the optimal strategy in

      English Auction (and Vickey Auction) is

      2V-160 (lower than the standard case

      which is V). Dutch auction generates

      more revenue than English auction. B is

      better off, and A is worse off in Dutch

      Auction. (Because A is more likely to

      win the auction.)

      Furthermore, if V is less than 80, they

      want to bid a negative number, the

      Vickey auction is not viable.

      (2). However, because of the second

      hand market, there is a large part of

      common value in this auction. Milgrom

      and Weber (1982) shows that in this

      case, English auction generates more

      revenue than VIckey Auction, and Vickey

      Auction generates more revenue than

      first-price auction. So B is worse off

      and A is better off in Dutch auction.

      (3). Because we know B probably values

      the TV less than B, the valuation is

      asymmetric. A will bid more agressively

      in first-price auctin than in English

      auction. However, I don't know how this

      will affect A and B's utility.

      In conclusion, as to the choice of

      auction format, the answer is I don't

      know. It needs further assumptions and

      calibration about how A and B's

      valuation is distributed and correlated.

      I can do the research for them, if they

      give me a fair payment.

      • 家园 补充

        It is not efficient to sell the TV in

        the second-hand market and divide the

        money. A and B have to spend time and

        energy (transaction cost) to sell it,

        and if A really needs a TV, he or she

        has to spend time and energy to buy

        another one back. Furthermore, the

        second-hand market is not liquid, there

        is lots of searching and matching going

        on. It is quite possible that A has to

        pay a higher price to buy back the same


        I think first-price auction is a good idea.

      • 家园 有道理,还得多读几遍消化消化
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