
主题:【原创】马萨诸塞红蓝易色之后 -- 晨枫

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      • 家园 从一部电影跑到这个结果,对我来说实在是太戏剧化了。




        1. Repair the presidential public finance system and create another one Congressional elections to help ordinary American contribute to campaigns.

        2. Enact a law requiring corporations to get the approval of their shareholders before spending on political campaigns

        3. Overturn court’s ruling

        1.2. 好做,可不会有本质效果。 3. 没有什么切实的手段实现.



      • 家园 (from another thread)

        your English writing is colossally fine. I really admire your language proficiency, which you obviously acquired by reading tons of materials in original.

        • 家园 thanks for your compliment

          my writing is just so so. I met some young Chinese professionals working at Wall Street. Their writing is much better than mine. 江后浪推前浪,一代新人胜前人. My generation can only specialize in IT/Math-intensive fields. The younger generation of Chinese students have entered tougher fields such as journalism, political science, communications... Their oral communication skill is amazing. They are more self-confident and open than us.

          I once tried to post on Chinese forum in Chinese, but it was time consuming and I often bumped into "forbidden words" and my whole post sometimes never appeared on forum.

          I figure that it might be much more difficult to filter posts in English ^-^ Chinese wan te do not have such expertise yet. ^-^

    • 家园 a few comments


      --that's normal. Before 1930s, this kind of isolationism ideology shed North America from a destructive European World War II. In today's world, if this philosophy took control of both Canadian/American gov., that means Canada/American alliance will cut dramatically the military spending and withdraw their global presence. I am not talking about Iraq/Afghanistan, I am talking about 750+ global military bases, dumping their allies in crucial regions and let other world powers to decide the fate of Euroasia landmass.

      1.America as a continent will be completely marginalized in world politics.

      2.USD may endanger its reserve currency status and Americans-Canadians shall balance their budget with their own domestic savings. North America will lose access to easy credit and a global saving pool.

      This will impact LONG-term gov. bond yields, financing costs, as well as economic growth/job creation in the North American continent. Long term slow-growth+higher inflation will be the result.

      3.The continent will lose its global financial leadership.

      4. I do not think 草根保守主义 camp can produce leaders with enough international knowledge/diplamatic skills to maintain the Pax Americana or even just manage this diverse continent.

      I am not sure whether they fully understand the benefits of the current American empire they are living in and outcomes of dismantling this empire.

      The fight between globalists and isolationists have been going on for many decades in American history. I am not so sure that average redneck Joes can look further beyond their tomorrow's breakfast and this year's tax bill AND see the big picture.

      Note: why I put US/Canada together? Because effectively, they are one country. Whatever happens in one place will quickly spread over into the other. Politically, America has 1960s movement and charismatic Kennedy to bring huge changes, at the same time, Canadian put handsome Trudeau in PM, who single-handedly shaped Canadian's life for decades. Both "countries" turned conservative around the same time with Reagan elected as the president and Mulroney as the PM in 1980s (funnily, both were Irish). Canada has no monetary policy independence and BoC effectively followed every step of Federal Reserve. The border between Canada/US is a joke, effectively...

      • 家园 问题在于美国已经很难回到孤立主义了



        • 家园 加拿大,大家伙拿


          • 家园 这个东西一言难尽


          • 家园 it is a good choice for Cana

            It is a dangerous to be an unfriendly neighbor of major nations.

            America did intervene in Canada's domestic politics... I know several precedents. Canadian politicians have gotten the best terms for Canada.

        • 家园 agree. please see my reply

          below leqian.


          --狗急跳墙, Hillary and CIA are not easy adversaries.

      • 家园 孤立主义好像不太可能把

        如果这些人天天看fox, 对于国际援助, 炫耀武力, 建立威信这些事情肯定很感兴趣.

        • 家园 only possible under extreme

          political situation--like a hot war or a cold war or diplomatic confrontation.

          Never say "impossible" because we are not God and have no crystal ball in hand ^-^. Back in 1970s, who will imagine today's China?

          • 家园 MD 就是看不到也不能靠计划生育解决问题啊




            • 家园 同样的奇迹(从赤贫到巨富)在日本,新加坡,韩国,台湾,香

              export-oriented economic growth.

              Those nations were supported by America with market opening and easy technology transfer. Russia did not enjoy such treatment.

              Never underestimate the importance of US market.


              --Friend, live for a while in North America/Europe and read more extensively about the economic growth in UK/US between 1850-1940s. You will gradually change your mind.

              儒家文化在起作用 might be a factor, but definitely NOT the main driver at all. Otherwise, why Ming and Qing were not industrialized high-growth nations?

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