
主题:【原创】英国每日邮报部分网友对阿克毛事件的正面反应 -- 清溪照影

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  • 家园 【原创】英国每日邮报部分网友对阿克毛事件的正面反应


    Sorry but he had it coming. Lets hope it makes any other money grabbing drug traffickers out there think twice.

    I know several manic depressives and none of them would dream of trafficking drugs.

    So many kids here could be saved from this if we had the same response to the problem of dealers and traffickers in this country.- Jane, Northants, 29/12/2009 17:11

    可惜了的,可他罪有应得。可以让其他想去那里捞钱的毒贩三思了。我了解几个抑郁型精神病人,但他们做梦也没想到去贩毒。这里有好多小嫩孩将会免受毒品之害,如果我们国家对贩毒问题也同样对待的话。——简,诺山兹 29/12/2009 17:11

    Well at least drug dealing in China has been successfully discouraged !!- ian josephs, monaco, 29/12/2009 17:11

    也好,至少人家中国成功打击了贩毒!! ——伊安-约瑟夫斯,摩纳哥29/12/2009 17:11

    Where was the compasion from brown and cameron for Saddam Hussain when he was brutalised and hung for his crimes. ? And they could have actually done something about it! ah but if we dont like some people its ok to bump them off. What a load of hypocrisy, In fact i recall the press mocking Saddam when he was caught for being a coward and hiding in a hole, but he clearly wasnt, he gave a good account of himself at his hanging and died like a man. I doubt Brown and Cameron would show the same spirit.- robbo, blackburn lancs, 29/12/2009 17:09

    当萨达姆-侯赛因获罪被虐待绞死的时候,布朗(英国首相)和卡梅伦(英国保守党领袖)的同情心在哪儿呢?而且他们也许就参与其中呢!哦,你不喜欢什么人,你就可以轻易干掉。何其虚伪,我还记得当萨达姆像个胆小鬼一样躲在地洞里被抓到时媒体是如何嘲弄他的,但其实他不是胆小鬼,他被绞死时堂堂正正地自我陈述,死的像个男人。我怀疑布朗和卡梅伦有没有同样的气量。——罗波,布莱克本兰克斯,29/12/2009 17:09

    Well done China, perhaps we can send them a few more to sort out. One thing is for sure there are no repeat offenders with the Chinese system.

    Still the bleeding heart liberals and Labour luvies will be wringing their hands and wailing over the barbaric Chinese justice system that punishes criminals, all the while we are living under their justice system that punishes the victim and rewards the criminals.

    Twisted warped and amoral, no not China. Britain!

    - j cooper, England, 29/12/2009 17:08

    中国好样的,也许我们可以再多派一些过去进行甄别。可以确定的是,在中国的制度下,不会有惯犯。伤心的自由派和工党拥趸仍在为残忍的中国司法制度扼腕哀嚎,但此时我们却生活在他们制定的惩罚犯罪而纵容罪犯的司法体制之下。扭曲和不人道的不是中国,二世英国!(译注——很深刻幽默,值得解释一下:嘲讽英国政府扭曲的司法体制和对贩毒打击不力,建议英国当局多派贩毒疑犯到中国去,以让中国司法制度甄别定罪,因为英国政府名义上是在打击贩毒,但却实际上纵容了毒贩,这才是真正的不人道。)——J-库伯,英格兰,29/12/2009 17:08

    If the man is sick as they have claimed then China or whoever is responsible is liable for his death. I rest my case let the professional Lawyers deal with the situation. However ignorant people should not make comment on this site. My boyfriend Prince William and I Marcelle Jagdeo extend our condolonces I guess we are late as I did not say a thing when he was alive!!

    - Miss Marcelle Jagdeo, Roselle Park, NJ, 29/12/2009 17:08

    如果这人确如他们声明的那样有病,中国和任何责任人要为其处决负责。我无须多言,让执业律师去处理吧。但是,不明真相的人们就不要在这里作何评论了。我和我的男友威廉王子谨表哀悼,但我想为时已晚,而他活着的时候我们却未置一词。——马尔赛尔-加蒂奥,罗塞尔帕克,新泽西,NJ, 29/12/2009 17:08

    Please change your headline to reflect the opinion of the majority of the UK population.

    "UK public supports China after drug smuggler gets just reward."

    - Derek, Barnet, 29/12/2009 17:07

    请更改你们的头版头条,以反映绝大多数英国民众的意见吧。“毒贩罪有应得,英国公众支持中国”(译注——可圈可点,我们期待哪天英国报纸有引号里这样的头版头条,当然最好不再有——英国毒贩别再来害中国人就成。)——德雷克,巴内特,29/12/2009 17:07


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