
主题:没收麦道夫1700亿资产,美国政府在玩黑吃黑? -- 抱朴仙人

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  • 家园 没收麦道夫1700亿资产,美国政府在玩黑吃黑?




    • 家园 馊主意,咱中国政府终于学会了这一招



    • 家园 要有1700亿给没收还至于破产嘛
    • 家园 应该不会上缴国库


      秦法官(Denny Chin )的这份法庭没收麦道夫个人财产的指令目的是尽快和尽多地抢救资产以供未来分配给麦案的受害者。1710亿美元的金额是指在此金额内对老麦的财产实施没收。这个金额是所有可能涉嫌被老麦所骗资金的总和,而非老麦已经造成的损失。具体老麦到底造成了投资人多少损失还无法计算。但是初步计算的结果是至少损失132亿美元。





    • 家园 抱一抱,十年少
    • 家园 给个报道的原文文摘。


      Yahoo News: Court order seeks to strip Madoff of $171 billion

      Bernard Madoff would be stripped of all his possessions under a $171 billion forfeiture order handed down only days before prosecutors seek to put the disgraced financier away in prison for the rest of his life.

      U.S. District Judge Denny Chin entered the preliminary order Friday, ruling that Madoff must give up his interests in all property, including real estate, investments, cars and boats.

      The forfeiture represents the total amount that could be connected to Madoff's fraud, not the amount stolen or lost, and the order made clear that nothing prevents other departments or entities from seeking to recover additional funds.

      According to Friday's order, the government also settled claims against Madoff's wife. Under the arrangement, the government obtained Ruth Madoff's interest in all property, including more than $80 million-worth that she had claimed was hers, prosecutors said. The order left her $2.5 million in assets.

      The agreements strip the Madoffs of all their interest in properties belonging to them, including homes in Manhattan, Montauk, N.Y., and Palm Beach, Fla., worth a total of nearly $22 million. The Madoff's must also forfeit all insured or salable personal property contained in the homes.

      Other seized assets include accounts at Cohmad Securities Corp., valued at almost $50 million, and at Wachovia Bank, valued at just over $13 million, and tens of millions of dollars in loans extended by Madoff to family, employees and friends.

    • 家园 国内新闻是这样说的




    • 家园 大概国内的报道不准确.应该是司法部门有权没收1700亿

      这是YAHOO!FINANCE 的报道.

      Madoff ordered to forfeit over $170 billion

      NY prosecutors: Judge orders Bernard Madoff to forfeit over $170 billion

      By Tom Hays, Associated Press Writer

      On Friday June 26, 2009, 11:17 pm EDT

      NEW YORK (AP) -- Disgraced financier Bernard Madoff has been ordered to forfeit over $170 billion, prosecutors said Friday.

      U.S. District Judge Denny Chin entered a preliminary order of forfeiture Friday, according to Acting U.S. Attorney Lev Dassin. The order forces Madoff to give up his interests in all property, including real estate, investments, cars and boats.

      According to earlier court documents, prosecutors reserved the right to pursue more than $170 billion in criminal forfeiture. That represents the total amount of money that could be connected to the fraud, not the amount stolen or lost.

      The government also settled claims against Madoff's wife, according to Friday's order. Under the arrangement, the government obtained Ruth Madoff's interest in all property, including more than $80 million of property to which she had claimed was hers, prosecutors said.

      The order makes it clear, though, that nothing precludes other departments or entities from seeking to recover additional funds

      The agreements strip the Madoffs of all their interest in properties belonging to them, including a homes in Manhattan, Montauk, and Palm Beach, Fla., worth a total of nearly $22 million.

      Federal prosecutors want Madoff to be sentenced to 150 years in prison. He is due in court on Monday for sentencing in his massive fraud case.




      老梅这件事也就是一超级大丑闻,对美国的金融政策没什么影响.真正有深远影响的是高胜(Goldman Sachs)的人对美国政府高层的全面渗透和操纵.

    • 家园 嘿嘿,这1700亿一收,基尼系数是不是要下降?不是坏事嘛


    • 家园 美国政府和瑞银的官司下个月(7月)开庭;


      UBS Case Not Being Dropped, Justice Department Says



    • 家园 就是美国开始对犹太人下手了


      从新闻看,所谓1700亿并非 Madoff 的个人资产,而是和 Madoff 案有联系的任何人的资产。呵呵,在我们的大明朝,这招叫做“瓜蔓抄”。也就是顺藤摸瓜,把所有和 Madoff 有关人等的财产一起没收。


      当然,老美法官会理直气壮的告诉你他搞“瓜蔓抄”是怕 Madoff 转移财产。而且按照美国法律,任何从庞氏骗局中得益的人都要把至少五年内的收益吐出来。Madoff 的庞氏局搞了不止五年,直到去年还每年给他的客户发 10%-15% 不等的年利息。这当然都是要追索的。

      Madoff 的很多客户都是犹太人。而能入他的庞氏局的人都至少是百万富翁。这么一来,把这么大一批人的财产名正言顺的充公,当然对美国经济不无小补。而且还能树立美国政府打击罪犯铁面无私的形象。通过告诉大家有 1700 亿美元,和没收对象中多为犹太人,则进一步深化了大家对犹太人贪得无厌的恶劣印象,为进一步打击犹太势力做好了准备。

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