
主题:Mark Knopfler - A Place Where We Used -- 蜜饯

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  • 家园 Mark Knopfler - A Place Where We Used

    Mark Knopfler - A Place Where We Used To Live


    浅吟低唱的Mark Knopfler

    Mark Knopfler是Dire Straits(恐怖海峡)的主唱,乐队的作品听上去是特别的,即使到现在,像这样布鲁斯、山地音乐、蓝草音乐和老式摇摆混合的音乐,玩的人也不是太多,音乐的悠然从容,以及那一份醉人的神秘感,没经历过人情世故的人是做不出来的。在那个邦.乔维和枪花就代表着反叛和摇滚的年代,Dire Straits呈现出历经风霜后的沧桑与老成。乐队灵魂人物Mark Knopfler的吉他,在慢奏中更能品其妙处,有时甚至只是轻轻一拨,一个乐音,就营造出一种冷然情绪,不是诡异的冷,而是深邃的冷。所有作品的歌词,表面上看多是叙事,却都和人内心的情感有关,一褒一贬,一笑一怒,一愁一喜,都不露于颜面之上,也难怪,他本来就是当老师的,虽然不是教语文,学问还是很有一点的。

       事实上推荐的这首单曲,是他单飞后的专辑THE RAGPICKER'S DREAM(穷人的梦)中的歌,名叫A Place Where We Used To Live,之所以对它情有独钟,源于它能让大家认识Mark Knopfler,但并不是说这个就最经典,他单飞之前乐队的专辑也是首首经典,其实对于一个真正喜欢他的人,每一首歌都是经典。如果有人要问Dire Straits乐队和Mark Knopfler个人的作品之间究竟有何区别,可能谁也说不出个所以然来,只是觉得Mark Knopfler就是Dire Straits,两者的唱片没有任何值得一提的差别,唯一的不同便是Mark Knopfler创作并演唱的歌曲由两班不同的人马照着他的意思为他伴奏而已。

       冷得清淡而不凄楚,冷得高远而不刺骨,是Mark Knopfler的本色,

    This empty kitchen's where

    I'd while away the hours

    Just next to my old chair

    You'd usually have some flowers

    The shelves of books

    Even the picture hooks

    Everything is gone

    But my heart is hanging on

    If this old neighbourhood

    Survived us both alright

    Don't know that it withstood

    All the things that took our light

    You on the stair

    I can see you there

    Everything is gone

    But my heart is hanging on

    Once there was a little girl

    Used to wonder what she would be

    Went out into the big wide world

    Now she's just a memory

    There used to be a little school here

    Where I learned to write my name

    But time has been a little cruel here

    Time has no shame

    It's just a place where

    We used to live

    It's just a place where

    We used to live

    Now in another town

    You lead another life

    And now upstairs and down

    You're someone else's wife

    Here in the dust

    There's not a trace of us

    Everything is gone

    But my heart is hanging on

    It's just a place where

    We used to live

    It's just a place where

    We used to live


    • 家园 怎么当下来?
    • 家园 Dire straits,我的最爱!


      最喜欢他们的主音歌手马克诺夫勒闲庭信步般低声吟唱,尤其是在夜深人静时,那中感觉真是如醉如痴,飘飘欲仙,特别是那首your latest trick,那吉他,那萨克斯,在加上老马的天籁之音,真是此曲只应天上有啊!


    • 家园 淡淡吟唱的风格,我喜欢!
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