
主题:【原创】一个都不能少-- 乘机离去的约翰丹佛 -- 屠狗书生

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    • 家园 多么阳光的男人啊。

      那些歌曲,伴着自己长大。有了DVD以后,买了ET,才知道那首耳熟能详的sunshine on my shoulder居然是主题曲。还有那首Country Road,收了一张他的DVD,看着他坐在台上浅吟低唱,仿佛看着自己青春的影子就这么掠过。

    • 家园 记得初中英语课本上有介绍的文章,可惜还没讲到,就听说了飞


      我还是比较喜欢country road,take me home

      • 家园 英语课本上都有介绍文章


        • 家园 呃 我搜到了全文,好像记错了,只有一张约翰丹佛的照片来着

          During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular. Song writers are no longer writing about the modern values of the USA ---- money, success or

          expensive things to buy. Instead they are writing once more about things that are common for everyone: feeling alone in

          the modern world, the value of having good friends and so on.

          In the 1950s, American music was about other things, For example, love ---- getting or losing a boyfriend or girlfriend. Money was also thought to be important. Then in the 1960s song writers turned to other subjects.

          During these years many young students were angry with Society, so songs were often full of anger. Political leaders were not well thought of and those songs often made fun of them.

          Today country music has returned. It has become big business. it brings in between 200 and 400 million dollars a Year. Once the home of American country music was Nashville,

          Tennessee. Now, however, the music has reached all parts of the States, from Los Angeles in the west to New York in the

          east. Singers do not just come from the States but from all over the world. There are many famous singers from Britain, Canada

          and Australia. A lot of them appear on television too.

          The first country singers sang while playing the guitar. It was easy for them to carry a guitar on their travels now, however, a lot of electrical equipment is needed for large theatres.

          Country music today remains much the same as before.

          One subject to which country music often returns is “the good old days”. In “the good old days” people thought well of each

          other. People loved life in the open air. They believed that the best things in life were free: sunshine, laughing, walks in the

          beauty of the country, friends and music.

    • 家园 喜欢John Denver

      最早听John Denver也是在那一盘《80年代美国流行歌曲》里的,是Leaving on the Jet Plane那首歌,那盘磁带还有Feeling、Kiss me Goodbye、Sound of Silence等歌,我最早的英文歌启蒙就是因为这盘磁带,可惜现在已经找不到了。

      我最喜欢John Denver的安妮之歌,献给他妻子的。乘喷气机离去还在其次。至于《乡村之路》,会让我想起一个曾和我一起唱过这首歌的广州女孩的。

      • 家园 这盘磁带我也有


    • 家园 沙发.


      • 家园 花沙发大王,John Denver应该算比较有经验的飞行

        John Denver应该算比较有经验的飞行员,他之前有超过2700小时的飞行时数。没想到碰上一架山寨飞机,头一次试飞就没有汽油了,又找不到备用油箱开关,导致最后的坠机。一系列巧合构成了宿命。可惜了。

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