
主题:del -- 猫元帅

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  • 家园 del
    关键词(Tags): #中年纪事

    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
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      家园 送你两首歌


      Well I don't know what I'm looking for

      But I know that I just wanna look some more

      And I won't be satisfied

      'Till there's nothing left that I haven't tried

      For some people it's an easy choice

      But for me there's a devil and an angel's voice

      Well I don't know what I am looking for

      But I know that I just wanna look some more

      Well I don't know what I'm living for

      But I know that I just wanna live some more

      And you hear it from strangers

      And you hear it from friends

      That love never dies, love never ends

      Now I don't wanna argue, no I don't wanna fight

      'Cause you're always wrong and I'm always right

      Well I don't know what I am living for

      But I know that I just wanna live some more

      I used to be involved, and I felt like a king

      Now I've lost it all and I don't feel a thing

      I may never grow old, I may never give in

      And I'll blame this world that I live in

      I visit hell on a daily basis

      I see the sadness in all your faces

      I've got friends who have married

      And their lives seem complete

      Here I am still stumbling down a darkened street

      And I act like a child and I'm insecure

      And I'm filled with doubt and I'm immature

      Sometimes it creeps up on me and before I know it

      I'm lost at sea

      But no matter how far I row

      I always find my way back home

      But I don't know what I've been waiting for

      But I know that I don't wanna wait anymore

      Looking for...

      What I'm looking for...

      Looking for...

      What I'm looking for...

      Looking for...

      What I'm looking for...

      Looking for...

      What I'm looking for...

      Looking for...

      What I'm looking for...


      I hate to see you cry

      Lying there in that position

      There's things you need to hear

      so turn off your tears

      and listen.

      Pain throws your heart to the ground

      Love turns the whole thing around

      No it won't all go the way it should

      but I know the heart of life is good.

      You know it's nothing new

      bad news never had good timing

      then the circle of your friends

      will defend the silver lining

      Pain throws your heart to the ground

      Love turns the whole thing around

      No it won't all go the way it should

      but I know the heart of life is good.

      Pain throws your heart to the ground

      Love turns the whole thing around

      Fear is a friend who's misunderstood

      but I know the heart of life is good.

      I know it's good.

      • 家园 怎么说呢


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      家园 多想想自己的优点

      抛开你和你太太脾气不合的问题。 从另一个方面来看, 能让长得美丽大方,出得厅堂的她看上并爱上的你,也是仪表堂堂, 颇有才华的吧。

      • 家园 del
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          家园 衰锅还差不多

          That is 帅哥

          俺身宽体胖(strong)、脑满肠肥(healty, 肠 is so 肥 that is could let a boat pull through)、头大眼小(high brain cell capability, indication of brilliant while focus)、目光呆滞(A result of deep passion),蒜头鼻(indicator of strong sexuality)、汉堡嘴(A good kisser),雀斑多(Thta is what man should have)、头发少。(No hair could be more tender than skin )

      • 家园 MM眼尖,猫帅是帅哥这一点基本米有疑问
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      家园 西西河里你会找到一些朋友,会好起来的.
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      家园 人类社会从某种意义上说就是逼良为娼

      一个社会在一个特定的历史时期总会有一个大的、共通的价值取向,比如中国封建时代鼓励读书做官,五十年代讲究根红苗正,现在不用说,就是一个钱字当道了。 任何人都要在能不能挣钱这杆秤上称称,不行的就是loser,没MM喜欢,没人羡慕。



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      家园 其实俺们大家谁不是 撸四儿 ?

      每天如俺这般扛活打工的自然都是撸四儿 --- 在公司里很多人的话都是俺D圣旨,但俺D话从来木人当圣旨。家里奏更别提了。俺不撸四儿谁撸四儿?


      她的老板还是撸四儿,六张儿的人了只是个资深经理,一个40多岁的中国 bitch 跟他平级却老给他气受,他不撸四儿谁撸四儿?


      换一行怎么样?大学叫兽?也跑不了。瘫泥儿之前拼死拼活要弄个瘫泥儿,瘫泥儿之后呢?能混到全美顶级大学热门系的终身叫兽,够牛的吧?的确牛,但这种人身边也是跟他差不多牛或者更牛的人,而且这种人的眼界和自我期待也都极高,绝不满足于俺们一般人期冀的那种洋房跑车衣食无忧的米好生活,总是想人前显贵 傲里多尊,所以反而更容易生出负面情绪 --- 光俺奏听说两位资深叫兽,因为项目经费不如新贵们多而苦闷 气愤 最后患癌症故去。

      所以,光认识到自己是个撸四儿只是万里长征第一步。俺们不能满足于这样一点儿粗浅滴认识。俺们应该时刻牢记 世界上还有 2/3 的劳动人民生活在水深火热之中,俺们应该时刻牢记这个世界上还有无数 的撸四儿事业的先烈、撸四儿事业中酒精考验的资深撸四儿,还有无数 撸四儿事业的继承人。如果仅仅认识到这一步就开始佩服自己的深刻了,那俺只能说你实在撸四儿得很浅薄!到了这一步,你必须要狠斗批间一闪念,灵魂深处闹撸四儿,你必须明白,无数跟俺们一样撸四儿的人都在大言不惭地说着 "I believe I have always been successful. Being successful is not only about how much you've accomplished; it's more of A Winning Attitude" (我认为我一直都很成功。成功不完全在于你取得了多少成就;成功是一种永不言败的精神). 既然那些撸四儿可以如此厚脸皮地遮掩自己撸四儿的真实面目,俺们为啥不行捏?


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      家园 元帅贴的这首歌是Feist的We're All in

      元帅贴的这首歌是Feist的We're All In The Dance



      Life's a dance, we all have to do

      What does the music require

      People all moving together

      Close as the flames in a fire

      Feel the beat

      Music and rhyme

      While there is time

      We all go round and round

      Partners of lost and found

      Looking for one more chance

      All I know is,

      We're all in the dance

      Night and Day, the music plays on

      We are all part of the show

      While we can hold on to someone

      Even though life won't let us go

      Feel the beat

      Music and rhyme

      While there is time

      We all go round and round

      Partners of lost and found

      Looking for one more chance

      All I know is,

      We're all in the dance

      We're all in the dance

      We all go round and round

      Partners of lost and found

      Looking for one more chance

      All we know is,

      We're all in the dance

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