
主题:【文摘】NBA总决赛:坏小子vs.好莱坞 -- raindrops

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  • 家园 【文摘】NBA总决赛:坏小子vs.好莱坞

    (NBA:体育?好莱坞?金钱?--唉,一个都不能少!这样一场几十亿美元制造的大戏,谁是她的总导演呢?非大卫.斯特恩莫属。 -- raindrops)



    Don't let the smile fool you. The NBA Finals may involve a conspiracy that goes to the highest levels of...well, at least David Stern's office. (by Scott Quintard/Getty Images)


    Puppet Master

    NBA mastermind David Stern again has fans right where he wants them. He simply outsmart any director in hollywood

    Pete McEntegart

    SI.com Updated: Thursday June 3, 2004 12:34PM

    David Stern has done it again.

    The NBA's diminutive dictator has once more engineered matters brilliantly. Not since Patrick Ewing's dog-eared envelope magically fell to the Knicks in 1985, allowing Saint Patrick to issue thrilling (if unfulfilled) playoff guarantees in the nation's largest TV market for years to come, has Stern pulled the strings so masterfully.

    Now Stern has landed a Lakers-Pistons matchup in the NBA Finals that again makes the game must-see TV. Who could resist a meeting between the swaggering Lakers and the plucky descendants of the Bad Boys, the team that first made "playoff foul" part of the lexicon?

    Some leagues might have rested on their laurels after simply ensuring that Hollywood's darlings, the Lakers, made it to the Finals. That took some serious machinations as it was.

    First Derek Fisher managed to catch the ball, wave to Dyan Cannon, rise for a jump shot and drain a lefty heave all with 0.4 seconds left in Game 5 against the Spurs, thanks perhaps in part to one of Stern's many minions working the clock.

    Then the Timberwolves had to rebound from a tough seven-game series against the Kings to immediately host the rested Lakers, since keeping a tight schedule is clearly so important in an NBA playoff season that has already lasted longer than the run of Friends.

    How Stern managed to sideline T'wolves point guard Sam Cassell so that Minnesota was basically down to Kevin Garnett, Latrell Sprewell and some extras from the movie Eddie is a mystery that will long be dissected on the History Channel.

    So that means the Lakers are here, with two-court threat Kobe Bryant; the Big Aristotle, Shaquille O'Neal; and the two latest entrants in the old-guys-giving-up-the-money-in-search-of-a-ring sweepstakes, Karl Malone and Gary Payton. Whenever those four get too angry at each other to play, here comes Fisher or even Kareem Rush to play the Robert Horry role of a guy who does nothing all year until he hits killer 3s in the playoffs.

    This means that the Lakers will win in a breeze, right?

    Well, that's exactly what Stern wants you to think. Does anyone honestly believe that nobody in the Eastern Conference, with the possible exception of Richard Hamilton, can hit an open 17-foot jump shot?

    No, it's all part of the master plan. When the Pistons win in seven, pundits everywhere will proclaim it one of the great upsets in NBA history. The league will be back, and Stern can sit back and smile as the NBA continues toward its goal of world domination.

    When the Paris Fromages go for the title in 2014 behind player-coach TonyParker, they will call on this year's remarkable Pistons upset for motivation.

    Really, is there any other way to explain the Eastern Conference Finals than a huge set-up to make the nation convinced that the Lakers can't lose? Surely the final tally wouldn't have been 69-65 in Tuesday's Game 6 clincher if both teams were, say, trying to score on every possession.

    The most dangerous person on the floor Tuesday night was Kid Rock, when he swooped around the court unguarded during a late timeout waving a Pistons flag. Here's betting that Stern can cook up something between Kid and ex Pamela Anderson for the Finals, like a halftime reconciliation complete with steamy Internet-ready love scenes. (Please, don't pretend you didn't see the Pamela-Tommy Lee tape.)

    As Stern might correctly point out, though, low-scoring games aren't necessarily boring. What was the final score during basketball's greatest-ever game, when Jimmy Chitwood hit an elbow jumper at the buzzer to lead tiny Hickory High to the 1954 Indiana state championship over heavily favored South Bend Central? 42-40.

    Sure, cynics might note that game was only 32 minutes long and played without a shot clock. Really cynical folks might point out that the game wasn't actually real. (The final score of the actual Hoosiers game was 32-30 and took place in 1952.)

    Yet the Stern-as-mastermind theory is surely more compelling than conventional wisdom, which is that once again the Eastern Conference team has no chance of beating the best from the West.

    It's easy to see how one might fall into that trap, given that the Pistons averaged a measly 75.2 points against the Pacers. Even if Detroit wins a game or two in the Finals, many fans might figure that the dysfunctional Lakers are merely messing around before recovering to cut down the nets, whereupon Malone and Payton will say that the ring now completes their careers and Kobe will affirm that he still hates Shaq and coach Phil Jackson and wants out of L.A.

    What's the point in watching that if one isn't a Lakers fan? None.

    Yet imagine the drama if the Pistons force Game 7, with the whole nation tuning in to see if the upset of the century can be completed. When that happens, expect to see Stern sitting courtside, smiling that Cheshire-cat grin.

    Because Stern has done more than imagine it. He has made it happen, and kudos for that.

    • 家园 【文摘】斯特恩想看森林狼对步行者总决赛


      日期:2004-06-04 作者:单磊 来源:新华社






    • 家园 【文摘】NBA总决赛:湖人活塞阵容比拼

      (作者 ???)





      面对庞大的奥尼尔,本-华莱则显得那么弱小。奥尼尔最喜欢别人叫他“ 柴油机”这个外号,比赛中他对篮筐的虐待就像柴油机的响声一样。华莱士的外号叫“大本钟”,他的防守就像英国的大本钟那么准时,特别是盖帽技术已经到了炉火纯青的地步。不过奥尼尔的罚球一直使湖人队的心病,在本赛季季后赛中他的罚命中率只有41%。而华莱士的投篮命中率达到了48%。优势:湖人。











    • 家园 在美国,体育本来就是一种娱乐业。和好莱坞功用一样。


      • 家园 本周末娱乐节目:冰球、赛马、法网、NBA-FINAL

        NHL Hockey

        KABC Jun 05 05:00pm (PT)

        "Tampa Bay Lightning at Calgary Flames", Episode #GM6ABC.

        Stanley Cup Final, game 6. From the Pengrowth Saddledome in Calgary.










        Smarty Jones Racing for the 12th Triple Crown Winner



        Congratulations To Smarty Jones - Winner Of the Kentucky Derby 2004!

        05/02/2004: Smarty Jones with Stewart Elliott won the Kentucky Derby 2004.

        05/15/2004: Smarty Jones with Stewart Elliot won the Preakness 2004.

        Today: Smarty Jones Races For History & 1st Triple Crown In 26 Years At Belmont Stakes

        NEW YORK - June 2, 2004 - NBC Sports' exclusive live coverage of the Visa Triple Crown concludes Saturday with the 136th Belmont Stakes and undefeated Smarty Jones' attempt to make history as the first horse to win the Triple Crown in 26 years - since Affirmed in 1978. A win would make Smarty Jones only the 12th Triple Crown winner and would end the longest Triple Crown drought in racing history. A record crowd in excess of 120,000 is expected at Belmont Park in Elmont, N.Y.

        NBC's coverage - also available in High Definition - airs from 5:30-7 p.m. ET with post time once again set for 6:38 p.m. ET. NBC's Belmont Stakes broadcast will be led by hosts Tom Hammond and Bob Costas with expert commentary from Charlsie Cantey. The announce team also includes race-caller Tom Durkin; contributing analysts Mike Battaglia and Bob Neumeier; reporter Kenny Rice and on-track reporter Donna Barton Brothers.

        A perfect 8-for-8, Smarty Jones is the first undefeated Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes winner since Seattle Slew in 1977. A win would make Smarty Jones - whose trainer, John Servis, and jockey, Stewart Elliott, are Visa Triple Crown rookies - the richest racehorse in history with more than $13 million in earnings. Smarty Jones' run for the Triple Crown (and the $5 million bonus from Visa) is the 29th Triple Crown attempt and the sixth in eight years.



        一个由 Let It Ride.com 每周举辨一次的评选,虽然 评审委员会 包括美国、加拿大、欧洲、澳洲及日本藉成员,但始终以美国成员占大多数,顺理成章,前列位置多由美国马霸占,公平及公开情度难免受质疑。

        Here are the results for the week of 26 May 2004:

        Global Top 10 Total Votes

        1. Pleasantly Perfect (remains #1) 122 (6)

        2. Smarty Jones (remains #2) 112 (6)

        3. Medaglia d'Oro (remains #3) 92

        4. Silent Witness (remains #4) 79 (1)

        5. Southern Image (remains #5) 51

        6. Peace Rules (remains #6) 50

        7. Azeri (down from #6 tie) 46

        8. Six Perfections (remains #8) 24

        9. Yeats (remains #9) 17

        10. Haafhd (remains #10) 16

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