
主题:【美国大选手记六十四】向大选日冲刺(上) -- 尼伯龙根·蜗藤

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        • 家园 未免太过自信







          • 家园 你的“委婉”之道







            • 家园 同意




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            • 家园 我发现网上的O fan大都不能投票


            • 家园 hmmmm....




            • 家园 口水无益







              我就算是跟您完全持一样政见,我也决不会喜欢看到一篇只能让我拿来YY Mccain胜利的文章。正如楼下所言,这是檄文,不是什么“手记”了。


              • 家园 手记和檄文




                我在手记65分析麦凯恩在几乎“mission impossible”的情况下,是否还有最后的胜机。你认为那是YY,但我并不认为那是不值得分析的。何况这个系列记录的是我个人的分析看法,我根本没有任何义务保证满足每一个阅读它的人的愿望或喜好。不喜欢,大可去挑那些自己喜欢看的,相关的分析评论铺天盖地都是。


          • 家园 尼兄的政治立场是很明确的

            不是挺 Mac,而是反 Oreo

            这场大选历时太久,但就像我说的,O 之前是教主,现在还是教主,从尼的角度来看,当然没有任何理由改变立场。

            但显然黑珍珠还是抓住了大部分美国人的心,自由市场,务实致富是美国精神,平等公义,救世理想也是美国精神。我虽然有段时间听到“Change”就想吐,但 Change 确实是时代之音。我怕 McCain 的美国只会在 ICU 里苟延残喘。


            • 家园 问题是什么样的变化和谁来改变


              For The Record: The Achievements of John McCain

              In The Military:

              After he came back from his 5 1/2 years as a POW, McCain took command of the Navy's largest squadron, a force of A-7 attack aircraft. Most such squadrons in those days numbered 12 to 25. McCain's numbered 75, putting him in charge of a budget of more than a billion dollars. This was during the post-Vietnam years, morale was low. In what John Lehman, secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration, has called "a near miracle of leadership and management," McCain restored morale and got all 75 A-7s up and running. Fellow officers did not think it was possible.

              Became Navy liaison to the Senate, where, by working with hawkish Republicans and Democrats, he helped reverse the decline of the military and lay the foundation for the Reagan military buildup that bankrupted the U.S.S.R.

              In Congress and Senate:

              On the Environment;

              Worked with Udall to pass the 1984 Arizona Wilderness Act, which set aside 150,000 acres near Sedona, and the Arizona Desert Wilderness Act in 1990, which protected more than 2 million acres of federal land.

              Sponsored and ushered through the Senate the 1987 National Parks Overflights Act, which sought to restore natural quiet to the increasingly racket-ridden Grand Canyon.

              On The Native American community;

              Member of the Indian Affairs Committee. As first a House member and then a senator, McCain was one of the main authors of the 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.

              On International Democracy;

              Since January 1993, McCain has been Chairman of the International Republican Institute, an organization partly funded by the U.S. Government that supports the emergence of political democracy worldwide.

              On Campaign Finance Reform:

              Starting in 1994, McCain worked with Democratic Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold on campaign finance reform; their McCain-Feingold bill attempted to put limits on "soft money". Initial versions of the McCain-Feingold Act were filibustered and never came to a vote but, in 1999, McCain shared the Profile in Courage Award with Feingold as recognition of their efforts. The bill ultimately passed in 2001, and placed limits on advertising and 'soft money' contributions to political parties.

              On The Tobacco Industry;

              In 1997, McCain became chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee and took on the tobacco industry in 1998, proposing legislation that would increase cigarette taxes in order to fund anti-smoking campaigns, discourage teenage smokers, increase money for health research studies, and help states pay for smoking-related health care costs. He was supported by the Clinton administration but opposed by the industry and most Republicans.

              On Corruption;

              Called for a broad review of the Pentagon procurement system and exposed several Air Force contracting scandals.

              Led the Senate’s Indian Affairs Committee’s investigation of Jack Abramoff.

              On International Relations:

              With fellow Vietnam veteran, Senator John Kerry, McCain worked to get Senate approval of an end to the trade embargo against Vietnam. That led to diplomatic relations in 1995.

              On Iraq; Author of The Surge.

              In The Military:

              After he came back from his 5 1/2 years as a POW, McCain took command of the Navy's largest squadron, a force of A-7 attack aircraft. Most such squadrons in those days numbered 12 to 25. McCain's numbered 75, putting him in charge of a budget of more than a billion dollars. This was during the post-Vietnam years, morale was low. In what John Lehman, secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration, has called "a near miracle of leadership and management," McCain restored morale and got all 75 A-7s up and running. Fellow officers did not think it was possible.

              Became Navy liaison to the Senate, where, by working with hawkish Republicans and Democrats, he helped reverse the decline of the military and lay the foundation for the Reagan military buildup that bankrupted the U.S.S.R.

              In Congress and Senate:

              On the Environment;

              Worked with Udall to pass the 1984 Arizona Wilderness Act, which set aside 150,000 acres near Sedona, and the Arizona Desert Wilderness Act in 1990, which protected more than 2 million acres of federal land.

              Sponsored and ushered through the Senate the 1987 National Parks Overflights Act, which sought to restore natural quiet to the increasingly racket-ridden Grand Canyon.

              On The Native American community;

              Member of the Indian Affairs Committee. As first a House member and then a senator, McCain was one of the main authors of the 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.

              On International Democracy;

              Since January 1993, McCain has been Chairman of the International Republican Institute, an organization partly funded by the U.S. Government that supports the emergence of political democracy worldwide.

              On Campaign Finance Reform:

              Starting in 1994, McCain worked with Democratic Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold on campaign finance reform; their McCain-Feingold bill attempted to put limits on "soft money". Initial versions of the McCain-Feingold Act were filibustered and never came to a vote but, in 1999, McCain shared the Profile in Courage Award with Feingold as recognition of their efforts. The bill ultimately passed in 2001, and placed limits on advertising and 'soft money' contributions to political parties.

              On The Tobacco Industry;

              In 1997, McCain became chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee and took on the tobacco industry in 1998, proposing legislation that would increase cigarette taxes in order to fund anti-smoking campaigns, discourage teenage smokers, increase money for health research studies, and help states pay for smoking-related health care costs. He was supported by the Clinton administration but opposed by the industry and most Republicans.

              On Corruption;

              Called for a broad review of the Pentagon procurement system and exposed several Air Force contracting scandals.

              Led the Senate’s Indian Affairs Committee’s investigation of Jack Abramoff.

              On International Relations:

              With fellow Vietnam veteran, Senator John Kerry, McCain worked to get Senate approval of an end to the trade embargo against Vietnam. That led to diplomatic relations in 1995.

              On Iraq; Author of The Surge.

              • 家园 That only proves he

                is old, like very, very OLD.

                • 家园 老当益壮

                  任何政客都是刷嘴皮子的,说得好听,坐得难。正因为如此,要看他们的track record.到现在,我还没听说八马为他的选民作过一件利国利民的事。

                  • 家园 他反伊战,没成功


                    Why am I explaining these boring facts to you? You should already know.

                    It's not blazing but definitely not blank. Give him 20 more years in the senate, he will pile up an even more boring list of achievements I suppose. But too bad, he's running for president and most likely would win.

                    So bye bye senate, bye bye law making.

            • 家园 然!
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