
主题:【原创】翻译中文诗词、对联的一个例子 -- hokmen

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  • 家园 【原创】翻译中文诗词、对联的一个例子

    在机器翻译领域,如果要翻译中文诗词、对联等poem-like sentences会有些难度。本文用我做的一副对联来讲解关于机器翻译所需要的一些基本文字设定。

    本文原作者为Hokmen Chan,本文的发布与再发布须遵循Gnu Free Documentation License

    the road to translate poem-like chinese sentences

    copyright(c) Hokmen Chan

    date Oct 2, 2008

    version 0.2.2

    The release or re-release of this article should follow Gnu Free Documentation License ( http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html )。

    the article:

    it have so many dificulties to translate poem-like chinese sentences into english. for example, i wrote these sentences in Sep 2008:



    these sentences, each one can have double, triple or more meanings.

    i try to translate them word by word.

    有:have,or when you have;

    空:time,or spare time;


    灌水:water,watering,it means writing articles with some ideas,or write things with little ideas;

    没事:if it doesn't matter,if it is safe,or if it is spare,if you have spare time,blah,blah,blah...

    别:do not,doesn't;

    玩:play,touch or doing something;

    log:logs,records(on paper or in computer),or the program logs with system/programe log functions,and so on。

    the title “别太较真” have at lease 3 meanings:

    (1) don't care about realities too much;

    (2) (this one relative to the first one) to be general;

    (3) i miss my wife so much when i am trying to find out the realities。

    let me repeat these sentences again.



    my own english translation about these sentence can be this:

    be watering when you have time;

    don't touch logs when it doesn't matter。

    title:to be general

    and,at traditional chinese,if you just write it on paper just as draft,you should put the title after the sentences。


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