
主题:看看现如今人们为卖掉房子想的招儿吧 -- 四不像5

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  • 家园 看看现如今人们为卖掉房子想的招儿吧

    最近看了个报道,说美国房地产市场不景气,很多房子在市场上几个月甚至一年也卖不出去,于是房主想方设法吸引买主。一些老的方法,比如卖房人支付几千刀的closing cost,已经远远不够,人们开始为了卖掉房子,加上各种funky stuffs做添头儿.

    我还在想这个funky stuffs到底是什么,周末算是见识了一个。我和某人去看一个open house,宣传单张上赫然写着:

    For acceptable offers, the homeowner will throw in a Mercedes SLK55 convertible!



    • 家园 薇姐你这帖子够强的


    • 家园 为什么不直接减价五万块?

      想不出这样的交易对任何一方有什么好处,买方要多付property tax,卖方要多算capital gain(假设他有capital gain)。要是开发商做这种事可以说是保持小区房价,个人做这种事的动机在哪里?

      • 家园 从金融的角度来讲,这辆车没有liquidity




      • 家园 First of all

        Property tax is subject to the assessment by local government, not the sale price in the market place. The assessment is based on two factors: value of the land, and how well the property is maintained. These two factors will NOT change as the sale price changes, hence the property tax will not change. So the buyer will not be hurt if he buys the house at an inflated price tag.

        Secondly, the seller might have a reasonably strong motive to send out a signal to his neighbors and acquaintances that he is trying his best to prevent the community's market value from plummeting. Someone possessing a Mercedes SLK55 convertible is very likely to be of a high social status, and therefore is obliged (not legally but socially) to behave in a way that'll not hurt the social clustering he belongs to. Putting a line on the sale ad like that is just a way to signal, not necessarily a real commitment. It's likely that another potential seller in the same community would behave the same after he sees this sale ad. If all potential sellers in this community do it the same way, the market value of the community is not likely to drop dramatically... Plus, if you pay enough attention to the wording of the sale ad you should be able to see that the seller's got enough room for maneuvering... Who else gets to define 'acceptable offers'? :-)

      • 家园 吸引眼球?你看楼下有人不知道什么房子就感兴趣吗。
      • 家园 说不定房主正好也要卖车,打包出售了。
    • 家园 请教采薇姐,美国的房价跌倒谷底了么?


    • 家园 当真么?




    • 家园 这个贴只要这个标题加那张图就成了
    • 家园 国内也有啊,只不过没送那么高级


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